I hope something clicks with Dobbs and Peterman between now and August, if not, we're in huge trouble.
No we aren't!! We will be fine! (1) Dormady gets on campus while we have bowl practices. (2) Next season's running game & defense & tight ends will keep us in games in the earlier part of the season. (3) Dormady will play every game but will be the starter after the Florida game.
(4) each week, he will improve a little more and by season's end, he will be fine.
Look at Bray. Look at Ainge. Look at Manning. Look at Casey Clausen.
All the same formula and we went to a bowl game in Manning's freshman season, Bray's freshman season, Ainge's freshman season, we played in the S.E.C. Championship and a bowl game during Clausen's freshman season.
We will be fine. Surely Dobbs can hand the ball off the Hurd, Scott & Kamara. Surely Dobbs can get the ball to Helms & Wolfe. Surely Dobbs can run a few times on the option read and gain some yards.
The defense will lose (1) senior, that being A.J. and the defense will return with a year of experience and we will get help coming in from the freshmen D.E.'s & D.T.'s... and Cecil Cherry.
Once the teams see Cherry at L.B., they will likely forfeit the game on the spot..................