Government = Monopoly

I spent 2 hours in a zoom meeting with all the heads of the various FAA lines of business while they discussed their favorite xmas movies......
Well? What was the consensus, I'm torn between Chevy Chase's Christmas Vacation and A Christmas Story.
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I don't know enough about the FAA to argue about it.
Just look at the flying safety record here compared to other places where its all contracted out to private business. We do have plenty of towers and airports that are not federally run and while still safer than almost anywhere else in the world I've noticed they seem to be lax with rules.
Just look at the flying safety record here compared to other places where its all contracted out to private business. We do have plenty of towers and airports that are not federally run and while still safer than almost anywhere else in the world I've noticed they seem to be lax with rules.
Most people complain about the agency that they have to deal with the most. Mine was the EPA and although I didn't deal with them directly our industrial hygiene folks were given carte blanche to beat people about the head and face until they got the records they wanted. I used to hate having to provide records for some of the stupidest tests and records you could imagine anyone wanting.
The FAA. The private sector aspect of flying and sh!t is a sh!tshow.

One of the problems with concluding this is that the FAA exists and tho we have some private sector activity to observe, it doesn't exactly tell us how well everything would function in the absence of the FAA. I'm not saying you're wrong, I just think it's hard to say. Are you considering all the good and the bad or just focusing on specific aspects?

I honestly don't know much about the FAA, but I do know that they've had incredibly stupid regulations in the past that limited competition. How badly was our economy held back by that stupidity? Southwest Airlines changed the industry by offering cheaper fare, only after they were allowed to fly outside of the state of Texas. Carter deregulated the industry in the 70's, helping to pave the way for the booming 80's. Regular people didn't fly much before that. Add up all the **** they wrecked like that and where does it leave us? Net benefit or net cost? Who can say?
One problem with regulatory agencies is that they are just looking to pass or fail companies, and they rely on this too much when in many cases we'd be better served with the agency grading the companies and letting us decide.

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