Goya Employee of the Month? - AOC!

I was referring more to the heritage rather than political leanings.

But on that aspect, I wish Trump had come up with realistic immigration reform and addressed the elephant in the room in regards to the millions of illegals we have here. I mean, if we want to talk about debts owed, he could have turned an entire generation into conservatives and showed the true colors of the Democrats had he come up with a good plan.
I am completely on board with expediting the DACA kids to citizenship. This is the only country they know. But both damn sides use them as a bargaining chip. I’m not so generous on the parents that brought them here.

Down to an individual that I’ve met and ive met a lot as you know I’m married into them. The ones who abided by the laws and got here legally are resentful to the illegal ones. They won’t turn them in I’d guess and I don’t expect them to but they are openly resentful.
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I would rather it go to people than some of the other stupid crap the government spends it on.
Well unfortunately most of it went to the other stupid crap the government spends it on (and they fought to hide where it went)

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