Grade the RNC (well wishes on tonight and wiminz photos included itt)

Grade the RNC

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Senior Member
Aug 8, 2005
I have been in court all week (I know, I know, you don't believe it). So I only saw about five minutes, total, of the convention.. What grade do you give it and why?

And hey, good luck tonight. I always root for SEC teams to beat non-conference opponents. Can't understand why someone wouldn't want the conference to do well against others.

And now for some thread savers:




Good: enthusiastic line up of up and comers, very focused on economy and reducing government's role in lives, embracing of success and ready for entitlement discussion, limited pandering to particular groups, almost no attacks on people from the other side except a hard critique of Obama policies (not an attack on motives what so ever), highly toned down social agenda.

Meh: Romney still not real engaging

Bad: Still open to the argument that policies are Bush 2.0
My expectation is that the DNC will also be a B.

Seems like most conventions are in that range.

I've kind of done almost a 180 on Romney just not being that engaging. I simply don;t think that is how he is in public. I don't think he is entirely comfortable on stage, and with so many eyes on him. It bothered me at first, I admit. But I think its sincere because its just who he is.
Im not a convention watcher. I probably caught 15 live minuets all week. I have seen the "highlights" version.


Pep rallys are cool in sports, politics? meh.
It was solid. Good points were made, and I think some people may understand him a little better. Nothing overwhelming.

good convention but not outstanding.
I don't think Romney gets a big bounce from convention. It felt more to me like Christie, Rubio, Ryan, Haley etc were being introduced to the voters for a run in 2016 than firing people up for Romney in 2012.
Local radio, ''How cool would it have been at the GOP convention to have a Ronald Reagan hologram giving a short speech? Or better yet a Ronald Reagan hologram debate with an Obama hologram using taped quotes from both!
Seems like most conventions are in that range.

I've kind of done almost a 180 on Romney just not being that engaging. I simply don;t think that is how he is in public. I don't think he is entirely comfortable on stage, and with so many eyes on him. It bothered me at first, I admit. But I think its sincere because its just who he is.

He'll never be warm and fuzzy, highly inspiring or feel your pain.

I think the goal was to show him as not an extreme, cold-hearted capitalist rich bastage that loves to fire people and see their wives die of cancer.

I think they succeeded there and it should tamp down the personal negatives.
He'll never be warm and fuzzy, highly inspiring or feel your pain.

I think the goal was to show him as not an extreme, cold-hearted capitalist rich bastage that loves to fire people and see their wives die of cancer.

I think they succeeded there and it should tamp down the personal negatives.

I have never really though of him as "cold hearted." Rather, I have felt that his own experience in, for lack of a better phrase, how to make a living, is so alien to most of us that its just hard to connect with his life experience overall.

Not like we know a lot about other candidates really. Some, sure. I mean, we might have an image in our head of them in military service, as an actor, serving in a prominent governorship role. Not always, but often at least something to sort of define the fellow.

I just can't imagine what his life has been like or what he's been doing all this time. Meaning I can't picture it. And so its hard to get a feel for who he really is. Heck, even if you are right and Obama is just a glorified community activist, at least I can see that in my mind's eye. With Romney he's just sort of .... there.
I just can't imagine what his life has been like or what he's been doing all this time. Meaning I can't picture it. And so its hard to get a feel for who he really is. Heck, even if you are right and Obama is just a glorified community activist, at least I can see that in my mind's eye. With Romney he's just sort of .... there.

If you are really interested, the video they showed last night can help picture it. Lot's of home movies that look like most people's home movies. Playing with the kids in the back yard - a normal back yard. Furnishing, appliances, etc. all look like typical middle class. It was pretty interesting. Looks like the typical American experience.
If you are really interested, the video they showed last night can help picture it. Lot's of home movies that look like most people's home movies. Playing with the kids in the back yard - a normal back yard. Furnishing, appliances, etc. all look like typical middle class. It was pretty interesting. Looks like the typical American experience.

Ok, thanks, I will look for that. It would interest me a lot. If they did that, maybe they sense the same thing I do. Or at least that its a common thread in the campaign.
pretty sad when you have to resort to posting pics of FSU girls to make your threads suck less

conventions don't mean much anyway. Just a whole lot of talking about stuff we already knew. If it sways anyone then they have issues
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You really should have also included an F in the poll.

All things considered at the end of the day, i guess the sound bite followers will be happy with the GOP. Those that are awake and knowledgeable know, we are standing on the edge of a cliff, with no hope of regaining ourselves.
There's simply no rational way to rate it an "F" unless you are a complete partisan. Even if you didn't like the message you have to evaluate the manner in which they delivered their message.

I'll probably agree with less than 30% of the DNC message but I can still evaluate the convention given it's purpose and intent.
pretty sad when you have to resort to posting pics of FSU girls to make your threads suck less

dammit leave th man alone.

first time I've ever opened a thread of his and been pleased.

the man is trying.

the RNC sucked though. Give it a D.

Eastwood should not have spoken. Should have used a hologram of Reagan speaking to link in the minds of older votes reagan and mitt together.

I give it a D because I dont think it would change anyones minds.
the RNC sucked though. Give it a D.

Eastwood should not have spoken. Should have used a hologram of Reagan speaking to link in the minds of older votes reagan and mitt together.

:eek:lol: You thought Eastwood was bad yet you advocate for a hologram of Reagan. Holy beejeezers.
If you are really interested, the video they showed last night can help picture it. Lot's of home movies that look like most people's home movies. Playing with the kids in the back yard - a normal back yard. Furnishing, appliances, etc. all look like typical middle class. It was pretty interesting. Looks like the typical American experience.

Mitt Romney: Introduction - YouTube

here it is

Im off to the Dome
I thought they pulled off a nice one too - within the bounds of what you expect from a convention.

I'm not a fan of either party - and even less of a fan of these party circle jerks - but as long as they exist in politics, this is how they should be modeld.

Only catch is it seems Ryan is getting a little loose with facts and that can cost them. They need to reign that in. Democratic party has done enough silly stuff that can be discussed without making things up.
Just like with the DNC, I won't watch a minute of it. It is all stupid and fanfare BS. Nobody's mind will really be changed in the end. For me it will be Johnson, or leave the box blank. If you don't know who you are voting for at this point you never really will.
Just like with the DNC, I won't watch a minute of it. It is all stupid and fanfare BS. Nobody's mind will really be changed in the end. For me it will be Johnson, or leave the box blank. If you don't know who you are voting for at this point you never really will.

It gets on my nerves when the week before the election the networks will have these focus groups of people that has been following the candidates for several months but just cannot make up their minds who to vote for.
It gets on my nerves when the week before the election the networks will have these focus groups of people that has been following the candidates for several months but just cannot make up their minds who to vote for.

I question the integrity of these focus groups. Hannity had a group of 6 or 7 the other night and the claim was that each had voted for Obama in '08 and now what were they going to do ?

Admittedly, he has some disillusioned folks from '08 to now, but the people on this focus group seemed awfully critical, and using phrases and comments that seemed to be cut and paste from the GOP media guide.

How can you know who they voted for in 2008? What, does Fox put out an ad and say, hey, want to be on Hannity? You can if you voted for Obama but are now willing to say he sucks. Who is going to see and respond to that ?

Very suspicious.

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