Eh, I found Hill's response just the type of Duke sanctimoniousness I can't stand. Rose was clearly trying to convey his mindset as an 18 year old as well as the socioeconomic divide that causes kids from inner city Detroit to hate Duke and how both sides of the divide are portrayed. People took the comments at face value and didn't bother to examine them as Rose laid it out. Hill could've understood this and took the comments as such, but, no, he had to write this public response to an 18 year old kid in 1992. Duke has always been a bastion of self-righteousness and Hurley's and Hill's responses have confirmed this to me.
And, sorry, I'll say it. People are loving the comments by Hill because it fits into their conception of inner city blacks being whiny-ass ingrates and hatred of the hip hop culture. Whitlock has a point about the Hoyas, to an extent, but the Fab Five's cultural significance is huge. The fact that so many are trying to downplay it reminds me of that time period in which anything those guys did was the most horrible thing ever imagined in the history of college basketball.