Grass anyone?

No thanks..gave up smoking it years ago.
This is a hybrid. This is a cross, ah, of Bluegrass, Kentucky Bluegrass, Featherbed Bent, and Northern California Sensemilia. The amazing stuff about this is, that you can play 4 quarters on it in the afternoon, take it home and just get stoned to the bejeezus-belt that night on this stuff.
This is a hybrid. This is a cross, ah, of Bluegrass, Kentucky Bluegrass, Featherbed Bent, and Northern California Sensemilia. The amazing stuff about this is, that you can play 4 quarters on it in the afternoon, take it home and just get stoned to the bejeezus-belt that night on this stuff.
This is a hybrid. This is a cross, ah, of Bluegrass, Kentucky Bluegrass, Featherbed Bent, and Northern California Sensemilia. The amazing stuff about this is, that you can play 4 quarters on it in the afternoon, take it home and just get stoned to the bejeezus-belt that night on this stuff.
Doubt it will be well rooted in 16 days. Why wait and put new turf down 1/3 of the way into the season?
I’m assuming concerts tore it up?
I heard on the radio that to avoid having it destroyed by the concert, they removed the sod. I assume they rolled it up and stored it until after the concert and then laid it back down. Seems like the least expensive option.

Edit 09/28/24: Just heard Brent Hubbs say it is new turf from a company in Charlotte.
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