Gravedigger of American Democracy? - - Mitch McConnell.

Look at this pastey, doughy, myopic hot mess. No chin. No spine. No conviction. As far as inspiring a movement, he's the polar opposite of Hitler. He couldn't lead drowning cat to fresh air.
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You have him to thank for Gorsuch (and hopefully) Kavanaugh being on the S.C. and Garland not.
Lol.... preach on daddio
It just proves the obvious. A socialist/marxist Democrat will always complain about any Republican no matter how feckless he/she is. McConnell is a big fat squishy milquetoast Republican. They ought to pray thanksgivings every night to whatever they worship McConnell is there.
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You have him to thank for Gorsuch (and hopefully) Kavanaugh being on the S.C. and Garland not.
The SCOTUS is just as corrupt as any other branch in DC. I decided a few years ago, i dont give a rat's rump what they say is constitutional or not. Imma do what i want.
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The SCOTUS is just as corrupt as any other branch in DC. I decided a few years ago, i dont give a rat's rump what they say is constitutional or not. Imma do what i want.
I have a better opinion of McConnell than I once did because he has been able to keep the troops in line on Kavanaugh...………………………………….. And I bet it hasn't been easy.
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I have a better opinion of McConnell than I once did because he has been able to keep the troops in line on Kavanaugh...………………………………….. And I bet it hasn't been easy.
You're probably right about that.
I just feel, as a nation, we're always distracted watching 2 dudes fight while the pickpockets are robbing us blind.
footage of mcconnell digging graves

The replies in this tweet are revealing and some are flat out absurd. What is being taught in school??
The replies in this tweet are revealing and some are flat out absurd. What is being taught in school??

Well they start in the 1st grade teaching them about gay sex
Gender neutral pronouns
Socialism good
Marxism good
Communism good
Capitalism bad
Dems freed slaves
Rs led the fight against segregation
Well they start in the 1st grade teaching them about gay sex
Gender neutral pronouns
Socialism good
Marxism good
Communism good
Capitalism bad
Dems freed slaves
Rs led the fight against segregation

I can't imagine what it's like living in such blatant delusion and fear.

You poor thing.

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