Gravedigger of American Democracy? - - Mitch McConnell.

I wonder what the mods changed?
It's 2 years and a server change later. Can't even tell which mod touched it. If I had to guess, it was either a bad link or the OP included a copy/paste of the article rather than an excerpt.
It was a mod that is no longer with us.

Probably buried in Freaks back yard or something.
Well they start in the 1st grade teaching them about gay sex
Gender neutral pronouns
Socialism good
Marxism good
Communism good
Capitalism bad
Dems freed slaves
Rs led the fight against segregation
As the parent of a 3rd grader, I can say that you are totally wrong...but hey, facts be damned...right? Everyone loves a good conspiracy.
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Think about where you live, I assume the southeast, and where the discussion is about and walk back a few steps please.
Think about where you live, I assume the southeast, and realize that you probably don't have a clue what's actually happening in other places. Speculation is fun though...isn't it?
The replies in this tweet are revealing and some are flat out absurd. What is being taught in school??

That’s one of the least controversial tweets that I’ve ever seen. Yet people on the left have been freaking the **** out all day. It’s been hilarious to follow.
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Him and Nancy need to read an a Dr. Seuss book, fastest and most accurate wins. Loser leaves town.
Nah. Both need to go. Although Nancy appears to be sharper relative to Mitch, Feinstein, Federman, et. al., she has noticeably lost her fast ball the last couple of years.
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I can't imagine what it's like living in such blatant delusion and fear.

You poor thing.

I like that in a thread comparing the US to Nazi Germany and proclaiming our democracy was over, you made sure to show up and proclaim the guy on the opposing side was actually the one “living in such blatant delusion and fear”
I like that in a thread comparing the US to Nazi Germany and proclaiming our democracy was over, you made sure to show up and proclaim the guy on the opposing side was actually the one “living in such blatant delusion and fear”

I can't directly respond to the article's author.

I was able to directly respond to volfanjustin. That is, until he was banned for being a racist, unhinged piece of sh*t. Congrats on being on his side.

You pick the most asinine quarrels.
I can't directly respond to the article's author.

I was able to directly respond to volfanjustin. That is, until he was banned for being a racist, unhinged piece of sh*t. Congrats on being on his side.

You pick the most asinine quarrels.

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