Greg McElroy Should Be EMBARRASSED

This team was tame compared to 2022. How do you want a team to act whenever they win the first championship in their program’s history? “Act like you’ve been there?” Well dumbass we haven’t been there. So screw you and everyone else in the country. We did it our way and people are bad mad about it 🤣

He’s just mad because Alabama hasn’t won a championship in several years now and probably won’t again for a very long time. All I have to say to Greg is a big 🖕
Hey Greg...

I said this in the baseball forum, but I'll happily repeat it here - that little twerp McElroy can go _ _ _ _ himself. Couldn't even articulate the supposedly heinous things he didn't like, but aw shucks he sure didn't like it.

I don't give a damn if he ever says another thing about Tennessee, he can choke on it. And he had better not show his ass in Knoxville unless he's ready to hear all about it. I will have no problem telling him, and I doubt I'm the only one.
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He isn't the only one. I have lifelong friends that are Bama fans forever since growing up and they all came out of the woodwork after we won on my social media and talking about football and how many championships they have won. True jealously! Man let us live our moment for a minute!!!

You know what to do. Crucify this sad sack of sh!t.

Vitello is the type of guy that will take the vacation he deserves and go to Ibiza. McElroy, who just recently graduated from yearly trips to Gulf Shores, will finally work his way past Destin and 30a and make it down to the Tampa area and Clearwater. Then he will announce to the world that he found the coolest vacation spot in the world.
Clearwater-- this is not a knock on your lovely area but a knock on the MORON that is headed your way.
I couldn’t care less what he thinks. Why bother being mad? People aren’t going to like the way our coach acts. So? He knows that and leans into it even. Most of our fanbase(and lots of players past and present) relished the “villain” label, so this is the kind of thing that comes with it. If you have bravado, or whatever you want to call it, some will react like this. Seems counterproductive to get mad about it and go after the guy on social media.
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Vitello is the type of guy that will take the vacation he deserves and go to Ibiza. McElroy, who just recently graduated from yearly trips to Gulf Shores, will finally work his way past Destin and 30a and make it down to the Tampa area and Clearwater. Then he will announce to the world that he found the coolest vacation spot in the world.
Clearwater-- this is not a knock on your lovely area but a knock on the MORON that is headed your way.
Im goin to gulf shores tomorrow vols bucket hat and all... maybe ill see him there 😳
I want to know, specifically, what McElroy had a problem with last night. When was Vitello acting inappropriately during the celebration? Was it high-fiving the fans? Was it hugging his dad? Was it eating the ice? Seriously, what was wrong with anything that he did? I didn’t see any action that deserves criticism.

It is my opinion that people did not like the team’s demeanor in 2022, and relate everything Tennessee to that team from 2 years ago. And honestly, I get it. If I was a rival team, I also would not have liked the antics of the 2022 team - talking smack to the opposing bench, flipping bats, bumping umpires and getting suspended, flipping off the crowd. Yeah, I get it. They were immature and cocky. However, the 2024 team is very different from the 2022 team as far as attitude goes. Some people just won’t realize that, especially when they already have hater glasses on.

Like I said, I kinda get it. I have been like that with other teams/players I have hated. Just remember that greatness always brings hate. Right now we’re the best, and the salt is saturated with opposing fans.

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