Greg McElroy Should Be EMBARRASSED

He gave the suck it sign to his players after they dumped ice on him, and I agree with McElroy. CTV would be wise to keep that kind of stuff off national television.
Thanks for the neon sign.
He was channeling his inner Kenny F'n Powers!


He gave the suck it sign to his players after they dumped ice on him, and I agree with McElroy. CTV would be wise to keep that kind of stuff off national television.
Too bad. If he had given it to A&M's coach, he might be in the Aggie Hall of Fame today without ever having coached there.
Personally I think McElroy needs to retreat to his safe space.
Haters hate when you grow and evolve, and GM even mentioned how the ‘22 squad was probably better than this team, “but could not harness their emotions”.

CTV has completely taken over one of the most dominant conferences in college ball. Our emotional growth and maturation is huge part of why this years team was successful.
McElroy seemed to almost catch himself about to talk in circles as related to the maturity of this years team. He sounded as though he cut himself off.
Personally I think McElroy needs to retreat to his safe space.
Haters hate when you grow and evolve, and GM even mentioned how the ‘22 squad was probably better than this team, “but could not harness their emotions”.

CTV has completely taken over one of the most dominant conferences in college ball. Our emotional growth and maturation is huge part of why this years team was successful.
McElroy seemed to almost catch himself about to talk in circles as related to the maturity of this years team. He sounded as though he cut himself off.
Greggy can call CTV and this team whatever he likes. I call them CHAMPIONS. Any other description and opinion is irrelevant.
The haters are coming out in full force. Just because every coach doesn't act like a miserable a-hole like his messiah. Mick El-Roy as Kessling used to call him can suck it!
Greg McElroy is a pompous arrogant bias announcer. He should apologize to Vitello but I doubt the jerk will. Our coach celebrated with his players and fans, he didn’t talk bad about anybody. If that is being a bad sport I want more coaches like that. What a shame that he had to go there, if a coach can’t have fun with his team and players after winning a national title without being called out as unsportsmanlike then we are entering some bad times. We get it McElroy you don’t like Vitello, but maybe you would be better served to just shut up. GBO

A thing wrestlers used to do in the late 90s, early 2000s. Think it’s around the 6:20 mark.

Thanks for posting the celebration video. In context, players had just iced him and he responded to them in a way they might expect…cameras caught it. When the telecasts barge into a player celebration, they should have bleepers and pixilaters at the ready. I’d rather it not happen but no big deal.
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He gave the suck it sign to his players after they dumped ice on him, and I agree with McElroy. CTV would be wise to keep that kind of stuff off national television.
TV would be wise to not listen to people like you. He just won a national championship doing it his way and he even said this was the most tight knit group he has had since he has been here. If people don’t like brash and genuine personalities then maybe Tony isn’t the right coach for you and you would be best watching that team to the West that likes to be anchored down and not going anywhere. You ever heard Corbin be interviewed by a female reporter? He is the misogynistic POS out there. Yeah I want Tony to be more like that guy…NOT!!!
He's just pissed because "his" coach has the personality of a retarded house plant...He sure didn't discuss the pure classless way A&M's coach handled his leaving for the Texas job..Oh well, just ANOTHER reason to hate Bama.....
When ya when and ya pissing in another team's cheerios they start hating. Ya remember the Spurrier and Saban days. Could not stand them why? Pretty much beat us and dominated us most of the time. It is the reason bammer's can't stand Fulmer he and his teams beat them 7 times in a row. The only team to ever do that in turd football history. Big reason they could not stand Phil.. It is how it works and I am glad folks hate ya cause you are doing something - winning.

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