Greg Sankey is an empty suit

Foley has to be smiling knowing this is his parting gift.

He really left the SEC exposed. There is really no way to fix this, the only thing the SEC can do is hope florida doesn't win out or west damaged by lsu getting back into the race.
Foley has to be smiling knowing this is his parting gift.

That's actually incorrect. The SEC had to step in the Thursday before the game and conduct a conference call between the two at TN's asking because LSU was standing its ground and refusing to reschedule it (a third game rescheduled that year). That's how the game got moved to Monday.

The Tigers, however, opted to wait and the SEC offices had to step in that Thursday before the game and move the game to Monday. UT had offered to host the game with LSU as the home team and this had dragged on enough that UT was just about ready to forfeit if LSU didn't reschedule (Hamilton stating they would do such "if we felt like it would be unfair to our student-athletes and not safe for our student-athletes."). Tennessee was even willing to go down the day of the game (noting that it made no sense if they were sending people out of Louisiana). TN's coaches also even tried to push for the game to be at the end of the year.

LSU's AD repeatedly sited logistical concerns (after moving the first game to AZ State and their 2nd game to later in the season) and eventually it had to go to Slive and the SEC front offices- as UT appealed to the SEC offices and the situation still had not been resolved - to overrule that and of the SEC front offices had to move the game to Monday that Thursday before the game. LSU's AD even said prior that they were not going to move this game to another location. In fact, the associated press reported that LSU officials would have preferred (/ were pushing) for the game to still be that Saturday (or even Sunday) with Hurricane Rita looming over a post-Katrina Louisiana.

(LSU's AD Skip Bertman even said before the weekend that the change caused them to face significant logistical challenges and that they would have preferred to have just played the game that weekend. He states their preference to play on Sunday night if not Saturday night, and then noted to the associated press that LSU wasn't going to move the game to another location / hadn't been considering doing so.) - Rita shifts LSU-Tennessee game to Monday

There was a lot going on, things were not a was a freaking disaster. Not defending anything, but it was a very bad situation after katrina.....i would say it was closer to a war zone. Rita wasn't anything....lots of my family and friends had nowhere to much stuff you wouldn't even imagine.

If I were to guess, i can't remember but the game probably could have been played on saturday. Lsu gave florida basically every option available.
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Oh well i hope Bama rolls them 56 - 0 -- If UT finishes 10- 2, I hope we get the Orange Bowl as ESPN predicted -- the boring UF team can take the Outback this year
If Florida's offense doesn't get on track soon, winning the east will be a pipe dream.
This was supposed to be the biggest hurricane to ever hit Florida. Get a grip people. My bet is the game gets played.

No. It wasn't. Andrew had that honor. This was unprecedented for NORTH Florida. And this storm was way past Gainesville when the game was scheduled to play. True, the game probably will be played, but this wasn't played to be the strongest ever hurricane to hit Florida.
Hopefully what I saw was correct and they are scheduled to play in late November. LSU will still win.
I will be surprised if the game is played. The SEC said the game was cancelled at first. Now I think they are just kicking the can down the road because that's what people want to hear.
That is a completely ridiculous statement Sankey made earlier today. Agreed that they'll make every effort to to play the game?'ll try and play a game that you were scheduled to play?

Give me a break. They are still acting like this game isn't really going to be made up.
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Sankey = weak leadership.

Missed his opportunity to show strong leadership. Passing the buck.......
Florida stinks. Even if they go to the SEC championship game they will get smoked and go to the outback or peach bowl. We will head to Miami or wouldn't it be sweet to go to New Orleans! They would love to have us!!
Why is that surprising to you?

They can't trash Greg Sankey, it'd be akin to someone working for Disney or ABC trashing Bob Iger.

Finebaum can't throw the Commish under the bus but he can let his callers do it for him and so far they have.
I am not good at photoshop. we need a picture of foley at his desk with a mason jar labeled sankey's balls in it

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