Growing group refutes idea that bacteria, viruses cause illness at all

Lol. It’s funny that very few seem to give any credence to the fact that a healthy lifestyle and diet have massive effects on disease. So basically it’s just trust anything the pharmaceutical industry says on how to treat things.
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There is some truth in other theories beyond germ theory. We see evidence of a person's susceptibility to germs all around us. Natural immunity, diet, stress, proper sleep, environmental exposure all factor in to someone's propensity for disease.

Some people can be in a room full of influenza and never get "sick".

I'm one of those. I can also roll around in poison ivy and barely get minor breakouts. Only time I was severely allergic to poison ivy was after being in the smoke of it burning in a fire. After 3-4 years, my natural immunity to it kicked back in.
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I'm not allergic to poison ivy, pretty proud of that 🤣

My brother and I were talking about that not long ago. Neither of us was bothered by poison ivy while growing up. It's a whole different story now; after one of those shots, we both pay close attention to "leaves of three". If you ever got the shot because of severe poison ivy, you know what I'm talking about. I'd bet age and many other issues change the body's ability to play Superman and deflect death rays. I wouldn't make bets either way on the fresh foods we used to eat vs the processed and modified stuff we eat now. One might be healthier, and the other may have us so full of preservatives and alien matter that germs and viruses have limited opportunity.

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