H.R. 1

What a trash bill being pushed by the Democrats

Taxpayer funded campaign finance
Ballot Harvesting
Ending Voter ID requirements
Allows Federal Government to set State Voter boundaries

I think they have to get 60 votes in the Senate for it to pass. Hopefully Manchin and maybe another Dem or 2 votes against this obvious attempt to legalize election stealing and make it completely unattainable.
Overturning Citizens United and making SERIOUS campaign finance reform is something every voter should be behind and pushing for. I don’t care what party you identify with, take back your power.


I hope you aren't this naive. You think politicians are going to bite the hand that feeds them?

I hope you aren't this naive. You think politicians are going to bite the hand that feeds them?
No I don’t. I think we need a united front to be rid of the money in politics and we are clearly not going to unite for anything... which is a shame because that is where true citizen power is derived from.
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No I don’t. I think we need a united front to be rid of the money in politics and we are clearly not going to unite for anything... which is a shame because that is where true citizen power is derived from.

So, you are naive.

Look, we can stand united all day long and politicians are just going to laugh at us. Good grief, they've surrounded themselves with military forces like some kind of Third World country over one party standing up to them.

What do you think would happen if somehow we actually came together and tried to force the issue?
So, you are naive.

Look, we can stand united all day long and politicians are just going to laugh at us. Good grief, they've surrounded themselves with military forces like some kind of Third World country over one party standing up to them.

What do you think would happen if somehow we actually came together and tried to force the issue?
“Standing up to them” by raiding their chamber and offices is a fool’s errand. The naïveté lies in someone who thinks that matters. The real power lies in the the vote. If they were actually held accountable by their constituents then the money would hold much less power. Better yet, if we all pushed for candidates who included term limit legislation in their platform then that would be even better. Everyone recognizes the career politician BS is a detriment.
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“Standing up to them” by raiding their chamber and offices is a fool’s errand. The naïveté lies in someone who thinks that matters. The real power lies in the the vote. If they were actually held accountable by their constituents then the money would hold much less power. Better yet, if we all pushed for candidates who included term limit legislation in their platform then that would be even better. Everyone recognizes the career politician BS is a detriment.

They were frightened by a bunch of people that mainly stayed peaceful and within the guided tour ropes.

How do you think they'll react if both sides united against the BS they've been pulling for decades?
They were frightened by a bunch of people that mainly stayed peaceful and within the guided tour ropes.

How do you think they'll react if both sides united against the BS they've been pulling for decades?
They'll react by facing the same fate as the French elite. If the people were united in something that pivotal (they arent) then the politicians would be hung in the streets. The Capitol riot proved how easy it was. Politicians should take a hint and feel grateful it was only a few dozen without weapons but most are doubling down.

Fwiw, I'm with you on the doubt though.
They were frightened by a bunch of people that mainly stayed peaceful and within the guided tour ropes.

How do you think they'll react if both sides united against the BS they've been pulling for decades?
Mostly peaceful protesters are very scary.
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No but it’s interesting that you didn’t mention union PACs. If corporations that pay taxes can’t have a voice in our elections why should unions that don’t pay taxes?
I said PACs, I assumed to a rational person that implied all PACs, should I clarify further for you?

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