H.R. 1

No I don’t. I think we need a united front to be rid of the money in politics and we are clearly not going to unite for anything... which is a shame because that is where true citizen power is derived from.
Money and power will always find each other.
“Standing up to them” by raiding their chamber and offices is a fool’s errand. The naïveté lies in someone who thinks that matters. The real power lies in the the vote. If they were actually held accountable by their constituents then the money would hold much less power. Better yet, if we all pushed for candidates who included term limit legislation in their platform then that would be even better. Everyone recognizes the career politician BS is a detriment.

It is true that we all should push for term limit candidates. The problem is that the voting population is too malleable and gets re-focused by campaigns to die on the sword of less important but more polarizing issues.
Even the titles of leftist democrats legislation is disingenuous. Much like the “1/6 commission” they wanted, this too has a vastly different motive than the name infers. I mean, who couldn’t vote for a John Lewis Voting Rights Act??

Democrats Pull Hat Trick With Dishonest Voting Rights Bill

This should be dead on arrival.

This dem's have the book on disingenuous. How do you think they've tricked black America for 5 decades?
This should be dead on arrival.

This dem's have the book on disingenuous. How do you think they've tricked black America for 5 decades?

I would hope so. What worries me is they’re saying Murkowski and Manchin apparently support this out of the gate. Hopefully they see the light on this as it’s discussed in committee.
I guess the majority of Americans are racist after all which is exactly what the idiot liberals will take away from that.

Not accepting voter ID is such a pathetic excuse for an idealogue. It comes across as cheating and winning at all costs and we know better. Integrity be damned.
Voter ID? Cool.

Now end partisan gerrymandering. Have boundaries drawn by neutral parties based on demographics and population density.

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