Had Neyland to Myself Thanks to Vol Family

Thanks everyone. I appreciate it. Trust me, I would rather have my baby back than anything else I've been given... but to think Corey is singing Rocky Top (after hearing it from me and the Pride of the Southland along with 68k at the OW game) to Jesus does make me smile and chuckle a bit.

I'm sorry,but that choked me up quite a bit considering we had my 3 yr old girl and we celebrated my youngest girl's 1st bday at Neyland for the OW game this year...that hits home...
I went to the VolShop today inside the stadium to get some of those collectible Power T baby bootie socks that come in the plastic case. My wife and I recently lost our first baby and I wanted to get something to go with the things we are memorializing the baby with. I was the only customer in the shop so the manager and I were talking and the topic of what I was looking for and why came up. He expressed his condolences and offered me a t-shirt at half price (which I bought for my wife). Then he unlocked the doors through the gate and told me I had Neyland Stadium all to myself for a few minutes. I got to go in and take pictures and walk around for a while...it was great. I love how you can meet a complete stranger but if you are both Vol fans, you are like family.

I told the guy I was grateful our little guy was able to go to orange and white game before passing and even though it was only for a short time, Corey (baby's name) was a Vol for life. Here are some of the pics I took today.




skasper, I'm typing this with tears in my eyes. What a heart-rendering story and thank you for sharing with us. If possible, please, find out and post the store manager's name, with his permission, of course. That's one of the kindest gestures I've ever heard of in my brief soon-to-be 69 years. May God bless and comfort you and your dear wife during this time of great sorrow.
We may have our disagreements, like any family, but in a time of need, all VFL's have each others back. We have you and your families today.

I really doubt you were alone. Something tells me Corey was right there with you.

You know it, my friend.
Somewhere, somewhen, somehow, someone will come across your posted statements of your loss. And your little guy despite his brief time Earthward will lift some poor soul up who has sunk so far down he doesn't care to try to get up again. Having been here, having loving parents who loved enough to share their sorrowful experience and daring to remember the best they had to remember. That poor soul will look upon your words and dare to believe what he refused to believed before. His wolves, leopards, and lions made docile by the impact of a child whose time was all too brief.

The wolf will live with the lamb, the leopard will lie down with the goat, the calf and the lion and the yearling together; and a little child will lead them. Isiah 11:6

What an inspirational post, man. Many thanks from us all.
Sorry for your loss. I couldn't imagine losing one of mine, though I have a friend who did due to a freak accident at the young age of 3. That little casket is the saddest thing I've ever seen, but God has a better plan for these little ones. Little winged angels , perhaps heaven's little helpers. I admire your strength and courage. I don't pretend to know, but i know it must be hard. May God bless you and yours with the desisre of your heart.
Man, I cannot imagine the loss. May God bless you.

Thanks for telling your story. It truly reflects the Big Orange Spirit of a true VFL.

May the Lord bless you and give you more emotional strength than you thought possible.
So sorry to hear about your loss. It had to be hard to go to the store to buy those items. I'm glad you had some solace in the stadium.

Your Vol family is here with you. You and your wife....hang in there! I know, much easier said, than done.
Wonderful post, man. Congratulations and the best of luck for your young man/son and to his blessed parents.

Thanks pepper. I appreciate that. You feel so alone at times like these but it's good knowing that there people who can put their arms around your shoulders and tell you they understand.

We lost three babies and then I was diagnosed with testicular cancer. Our chances for a child looked pretty bad. The good Lord intervened and gave us a blonde haired blue eyed boy who is gonna start at left tackle for butch. He's 13 months and already 30lbs! You will smile again and the sweetness of life will return. The sun shines a little brighter than before and you will appreciate the little things.

Think of this, Corey has my three little vol buddies to keep him company up in heaven.
Thanks for sharing,, sorry for your loss..very tough for you and your wife... I can only imagine how it would feel to be inside Neyland all by your lonesome...
I went to the VolShop today inside the stadium to get some of those collectible Power T baby bootie socks that come in the plastic case. My wife and I recently lost our first baby and I wanted to get something to go with the things we are memorializing the baby with. I was the only customer in the shop so the manager and I were talking and the topic of what I was looking for and why came up. He expressed his condolences and offered me a t-shirt at half price (which I bought for my wife). Then he unlocked the doors through the gate and told me I had Neyland Stadium all to myself for a few minutes. I got to go in and take pictures and walk around for a while...it was great. I love how you can meet a complete stranger but if you are both Vol fans, you are like family.

I told the guy I was grateful our little guy was able to go to orange and white game before passing and even though it was only for a short time, Corey (baby's name) was a Vol for life. Here are some of the pics I took today.




so sorry to hear of your loss
The loss of a child is something no parent should have to go through. Thankfully, you'll be reunited again one day. Praying for you and your family.
Man I'm really so sorry for you and your wife. I hope the trip to Neyland gave you a few minutes of peace. Sending out the best of wishes for you and your wife.
I went to the VolShop today inside the stadium to get some of those collectible Power T baby bootie socks that come in the plastic case. My wife and I recently lost our first baby and I wanted to get something to go with the things we are memorializing the baby with. I was the only customer in the shop so the manager and I were talking and the topic of what I was looking for and why came up. He expressed his condolences and offered me a t-shirt at half price (which I bought for my wife). Then he unlocked the doors through the gate and told me I had Neyland Stadium all to myself for a few minutes. I got to go in and take pictures and walk around for a while...it was great. I love how you can meet a complete stranger but if you are both Vol fans, you are like family.

I told the guy I was grateful our little guy was able to go to orange and white game before passing and even though it was only for a short time, Corey (baby's name) was a Vol for life. Here are some of the pics I took today.




My deepest condolences for you and your wifes loss...Me and my wife also lost a baby so I completely understand how you feel right now...Time helps heal the loss but you never forget...My best wishes to you and yours if you try again, We did and it was the best thing to ever happen when We had our son...Goodluck
I hope the volstore gentleman reads this. Thnaks sir for being so kind to the man during this difficult time. Prayers for your family sir. Remember, children are on loan from God for how ever long or short he blesses tyou with them. God Bless! GBO #VFL

VN Store
