If you're talking about dealing with the hangover the morning after, the only thing I've found that helps is jumping in cold water. I've done it a couple of times in the ocean and it worked OK. I imagine a cold shower or bath would have the same effect. It only helps for a few hours though.
Other than that, I personally haven't found anything for dealing with the hangover once it's started. Food doesn't do it, water or any other drink doesn't do it, aspirin doesn't do it, exercising doesn't do it. I just have to wait them out. I personally don't have an appetite and am nauseous if very hung over, so eating is hard anyway. I do try and eat something and drink water, because I'm dehydrated, but doesn't make me feel better.
The only way to deal with the hangover is drink water during your night/day of drinking. Doesn't necessarily have to be 1 for 1, but make sure you're drinking multiple (like 3-4) big glasses of water if consuming several drinks. Or of course just don't drink.