Hardesty to miss rest of spring practice

Sad, Sad situation, for a really great kid.

I feel worse for him only after the way that moron of a coach Kurt Roper handled him last season.

Hopefuly Montario will get healthy and contribute a lot this fall.
Hardesty will be fine. I would say that come fall practice this team will look pretty different anyways compared to what we will see next Saturday. Injuries happen more in Spring than they do in the Fall from what I have seen.
Hardesty will be fine. I would say that come fall practice this team will look pretty different anyways compared to what we will see next Saturday. Injuries happen more in Spring than they do in the Fall from what I have seen.
where MH is concerned, seasonality seems to have nothing to do with it..
I really hate to hear this. I know the kid must be emotionally crushed right now. Maybe he will have a good summer and contribute this year.
So, Hardesty is injured. In other, equally shocking, news, the sun rose in the East, Israelis and Palestinians still don't get along, and Rich Harden is on the DL.

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