Has a single Democrat voter noticed

I also noticed, which apparently you have not, that 5 of those 10 states you listed have Republican Governors. Is possible for you to fathom, that Republicans are no better on the issue of irresponsible spending?

Unfortunately many Reps are not conservatives. I for one have become very wary of the Reps lately.

"W" sure did not do a lot to help the conservative principles. Many Reps are Dems light.
Unfortunately NO Dems of any prominance are conservative so Reps will get my support more often than not.
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Has a single Republican voter ever noticed that Republican fiscal responsibility is a myth?
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I also noticed, that 5 of those 10 states you listed have Republican Governors. If this is a democratic issue then why is that?

Probably because the governors don't have line item veto power over budgets passed by liberal legislatures.

How many democrats in congress voted nay to the the $787 billion Obama socialist porkulus bill???

Why do you want to make it a democrat/republican issue when the issue is socialism vs free market??

Is it possible that Republicans are no better on the issue of irresponsible spending then Democrats?

There are a few real republicans around, the party as a whole is marginally better than the socialist/democrat party.

Currently the democrat party is targeting six real republican congressmen with massive phone call campaigns with the recorded message; "your representative just voted against the biggest tax cut in American history."

Can any democrat open his mouth and make noise and not be lying? I think not.
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