Has anyone seen the latest Newsweak?

Take it up with newsweak, they're trying to sell it.

Here was an alternate cover before they settled
on the 'halo' theme.

Do all gays have halos or is just Barry?

Granted, it is hard to imagine that you could possibly loathe Obama more than you do now; however, if it turns out that he really is homosexual, does that make him even worse in your opinion?
Granted, it is hard to imagine that you could possibly loathe Obama more than you do now; however, if it turns out that he really is homosexual, does that make him even worse in your opinion?

No, not at all, that aspect is way down the list of reasons I loathe BHO.

BOTOH, why should his sexual proclivities be hidden like every thing else about him be hidden from public view?

Obama Linked To NAMBLA: North American Man Boy Lust Association: Obama–>Jennings–>Hay–>NAMBLA | Political Vel Craft

Kevin Jennings is the Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools czar, appointed by Obama’s Education Secretary, Arne Duncan.

Kevin Jennings is a homosexual and the poster boy for NAMBLA, the North American Man Boy Love Association of pedophiles. Child molesters.

NAMBLA is exactly what it sounds like. It’s an organization that promotes sex between grown men and young boys.


Once, when Jennings was teaching at a private school, a 15 year old male student told him that he was having sex with an “older man” he met in the restroom of a bus station. Jennings response was to encourage the boy to continue and advise him to wear a condom, instead of immediately reporting this to the police and protecting the child.


Jennings is an outspoken admirer of Harry Hay, as in this speech he gave in 1997 after Hay’s death: “One of the people that’s always inspired me is Harry Hay, who started the first ongoing gay rights groups in America. In 1948, he tried to get people to join the Mattachine Society. It took him two years to find one other person who would join. Well, [in] 1993, Harry Hay marched with a million people in Washington, who thought he had a good idea 40 years before. Everybody thought Harry Hay was crazy in 1948, and they knew something about him which he apparently did not—they were right, he was crazy. You are all crazy. We are all crazy. All of us who are thinking this way are crazy, because you know what? Sane people keep the world the same [****ty] old way it is now.”


And who is Harry Hay? He was a homosexual pedophile who was deeply involved in NAMBLA. He gave keynote speeches and led panel discussions at several NAMBLA conferences. He openly told stories about how wonderful his own experiences were as a young teenager having sex with adult men. He encouraged the gay rights movement to not exclude NAMBLA from the united front of rights for all sexual minorities.

Barack Hussein Obama has surrounded himself with the gutter scum of our society to help him CHANGE our government, and he said himself that we will know him by the company he keeps. He said that during his election campaign.
Why should you care about where he sticks his tallywhacker? If he were gay and it wasn't public, we'd still have no right to know about it.
Lincoln wasn't gay. In his time in IL lawyers and judges traveled city to city trying cases. Often times there would not be enough beds so dudes slept in the same one. Two straight men sleeping in the same bed wasn't taboo back then as it is now.
Is anyone else a little suspicious of the fact gs had all that gay Obama material???
You might be about to be chainin up in this.

I'd move all these posts to your dump-all thread (emphasis on dump) but I'd feel like I'd be imposing on an intimate moment between you and yourself.

So, carry on with all the gay pictures you have loaded up on your hard drive
You might be about to be chainin up in this.

I'd move all these posts to your dump-all thread (emphasis on dump) but I'd feel like I'd be imposing on an intimate moment between you and yourself.

So, carry on with all the gay pictures you have loaded up on your hard drive

Spasiba tavaristch dgurkov.

U Vas byil bolshoi May Din?


You know you remind me a lot of a guy we used to affectionatly call 'slobberlips.'

We gave him that name because when he came on the air he would blow into the mike and you could hear the spittle hit the mike and then he would say; "odin dva tree chiterie pyat sest sem vosmor devyat desyat, desyatka, devyatka vosmyorka semyorka sestyorka petyorka chitvyorka trevyorka devyorka edinista, vas ponyal, vas ponyal, kak sli****s menya?"

Anyway, one May Day he came on the air and he was ultra low level, we only copied him when we had absoltutely nothing to do and when May rolls around you mostly have the day off because it's like the Russian 4th of July and it's, duh, a freaking holiday.

Slobberlips was a Russian Army guy and we would pass along anything he might say to Army intelligence through the NSA, knowing it didn't mean much but knowledge is power.

So Slobberlips came on the air one May Day and obviously had more than his alocated portion of vodka under the belt and he was trying to fix up a buddy who was being transferred to another base with a cousin of his who lived in the area and whome he described as being quite sexy.

He violated every protocol there was as to what units were where etc.

May 2, Slobberlips is gone, we thought maybe he had been reassigned to a labor camp or perhaps a trench at a mass burial site.

About six months later we picked him up again over the air (he was way the hell out in the middle of Siberia now), but it was a bit ironic when someone picked him up and put it over the loudspeaker so everyone could hear, that a couple of hundred Americans cheered that a Russian was still alive.

Such was the cold war.


It's gotten to the point that I can just about tell which days you spank your monkey mr boss man!!

Question, what does the word 'chainin' mean?

I hope you aren't trying to go into SM with me.

I meaner that what you have ever run into, I assure you that much big boy.
It is one thing to monitor a board and enforce the board
rules set by the owner/administrator of the board.

It is quite another thing to use that monitor postition to
attempt to direct the discussions so that they reflect the
monitor's own personal views by deleting posts, deleting
whole threads that aren't going the way the monitor wants,
moving posts from one thread to another, even hacking
into a user's CP and changing his sig line etc.

It is amply evident you fit squarely in the second


Your snapshot.

For your reading pleasure:

A Queer Thing Happened To America

A Queer Thing Happened to America chronicles the amazing transformation of America over the last forty years, literally, from Stonewall Inn to the White House, and addresses the question head-on: Is there really a gay agenda, or is it a fiction of the religious right?
GS, if you wrote more and posted less pictures, then your posts would not be moved. The fact is that your multiple picture posts provide many inconveniences for other posters. As a privately-run site, VolNation can do whatever it pleases to insure that its members have a good experience; that experience is hampered by inconveniences, the likes of which you cause.
I think its a shame that the gay community has adapted the rainbow as one of their signatues. I can't even buy a box of Lucky Charms anymore!

VN Store
