I'd still like to see a reverse jet to Bru and let him get up a full head of steam. Just sayin.
Seriously, I think with some horizontal misdirection sprinkled in, those stats would be even better. And it's probably more optics than anything else - i.e. "wait, we're running it straight up the middle again"?
But I totally get that there are various nuances to blocking schemes etc. and it's not nearly that simple. (believe me I am not an X/Os guru).
I also think some of it has to do w/ offensive philosophy of the super wide splits and trying to stretch the D across the field. The whole point of extending the defense and making them commit numbers in certain areas of the field is that you want to exploit vulnerability.. In that line of thinking, if you have a light box due to more defenders being committed toward the sideline, why would you run outside right into the teeth of that formation? Of course if you have the right numbers in the box, you want to run straight up the middle into that space and get N/S asap.