Have any of you ever eaten dog meat?

Did it on a Dare :) and it honestly wasn't that bad. Tasted like Rabbit Meat. Don't knock it till you try it.

I do like rabbit.. I would probably go as far a eating horse. I would need a serious case of the munchies to stomach the thought of eating man's best friend
I do like rabbit.. I would probably go as far a eating horse. I would need a serious case of the munchies to stomach the thought of eating man's best friend

Only tried it the one time and doesn't matter to me if I ever eat it again. Like I said it was good but not great.

Now if I ever find myself starving to death and Rin Tin Tin comes strolling buy then get the Grill ready. Daddy is eating tonight :)
Only tried it the one time and doesn't matter to me if I ever eat it again. Like I said it was good but not great.

Now if I ever find myself starving to death and Rin Tin Tin comes strolling buy then get the Grill ready. Daddy is eating tonight :)

Oh yeah, I heard that.

I might munch a cat, if prepared properly.
That's odd. Most things are described as tasting like chicken

It had the texture of Pork but tasted like Rabbit Meat. Wasn't Gamey at all. Also it was served in some kind of Ginger Sauce and had Green Onions mixed in. Not a bad lunch at all. LOL I actually ate the entire order.:salute:

My Mom about had a Heart Attack when I told her about it. She raises Pugs.

LOL I tried Cat Meat and Camel while I was there also. They were not good to say the least.
See I actually quite enjoy fried squirrel. That was a staple part of Scotty's Flat Top diet coming up. My grandmother cooked squirrel whole (skinned of course) and sucked out the brains.
See I actually quite enjoy fried squirrel. That was a staple part of Scotty's Flat Top diet coming up. My grandmother cooked squirrel whole (skinned of course) and sucked out the brains.

Then you would love Cat Meat then. If I did a blind taste test for you I bet you couldnt tell the difference
Never had it. Now I had King Snake once and didnt care for it to much.

You must not have cared for it very much if you ate it, how was it cooked? Could have had something to do with the recipe was the reason you didn't like it.

When we put the Apaches on a reservation we gave them some hogs to raise and eat. The Apaches had a taboo against eating reptile meat. Since the hogs would eat reptiles (enthusiastically), the Apaches wouldn't eat the pork either.

When I was a kid I had some sows and I raised pigs for sale, one day I saw one of my young sows catch a rattlesnake and kill it and eat it, meanwhile the snake bit the sow several times. When dad came home from work I wanted him to call the vet but he said hogs were immune to snake venom. I was at the age of skepticism, especially when it came to my dad, I don't know why, I never knew of any lie he ever told me, so I watched the sow closely for several days waiting for her to die so I could prove him wrong. She didn't ever even swell up where she had been bitten and I had to give my dad credit one more time, he did know what he was talking about.

I once saw a king snake kill and eat a copperhead that was bigger than he was, it took him three days to swallow the copperhead, he had to digest part of it before he could get the whole snake swallowed.

We put the two snakes in a bucket after the king had the copperhead all wound up and on the way back home we picked up the bucket and carried it home and put them in a big glass jar and watched the king kill and eat
the copperhead, the king snake had his scales stretched so far that you could see snake skin between the scales.

Since then I've never killed a king or any kind of black snake, they are a terrific deterent to poisonous snakes.


I wonder how many of my posts the BHO loving monitors have deleted from this thread doggonit.
You must not have cared for it very much if you ate it, how was it cooked? Could have had something to do with the recipe was the reason you didn't like it.

When we put the Apaches on a reservation we gave them some hogs to raise and eat. The Apaches had a taboo against eating reptile meat. Since the hogs would eat reptiles (enthusiastically), the Apaches wouldn't eat the pork either.

When I was a kid I had some sows and I raised pigs for sale, one day I saw one of my young sows catch a rattlesnake and kill it and eat it, meanwhile the snake bit the sow several times. When dad came home from work I wanted him to call the vet but he said hogs were immune to snake venom. I was at the age of skepticism, especially when it came to my dad, I don't know why, I never knew of any lie he ever told me, so I watched the sow closely for several days waiting for her to die so I could prove him wrong. She didn't ever even swell up where she had been bitten and I had to give my dad credit one more time, he did know what he was talking about.

I once saw a king snake kill and eat a copperhead that was bigger than he was, it took him three days to swallow the copperhead, he had to digest part of it before he could get the whole snake swallowed.

We put the two snakes in a bucket after the king had the copperhead all wound up and on the way back home we picked up the bucket and carried it home and put them in a big glass jar and watched the king kill and eat
the copperhead, the king snake had his scales stretched so far that you could see snake skin between the scales.

Since then I've never killed a king or any kind of black snake, they are a terrific deterent to poisonous snakes.


I wonder how many of my posts the BHO loving monitors have deleted from this thread doggonit.

I had it grilled. I didn't hate it just didn't much care for it. Not the taste so much as the Texture.

King snake eating a copperhead - YouTube

My Grandad taught me from a boy to never kill a King Snake. He always would take any he found and put in in and around his backyard shed. I do that now were I live and in 7 years I have never even seen a Copperhead or Cotton mouth anywhere close to my property. I have always heard that King Snakes are Territorial towards other species. Don't know how true it is but their has to be something to it.

I have seen hogs kill and eat Copperheads and Cottonmouths many times in my life. They have to be immune because I saw a Boar get bit many times while eating a Cottonmouth and never even got sick.

Something else I saw my Grandad do a few times during the drought of 1987 that always puzzled me. He Killed 3 Copperhead Snakes and hung them from a Tree Limb in his front yard. She said that hanging a dead snake would make it rain.

Anyone else ever heard of that?
And he always spread Rock Salt around the Doors and Windows whenever Mom brought my sister over when she was a New Born.
When we put the Apaches on a reservation we gave them some hogs to raise and eat. The Apaches had a taboo against eating reptile meat. Since the hogs would eat reptiles (enthusiastically), the Apaches wouldn't eat the pork either.

I did not know that. Why did they consider it Taboo?
I had it grilled. I didn't hate it just didn't much care for it. Not the taste so much as the Texture.

King snake eating a copperhead - YouTube

My Grandad taught me from a boy to never kill a King Snake. He always would take any he found and put in in and around his backyard shed. I do that now were I live and in 7 years I have never even seen a Copperhead or Cotton mouth anywhere close to my property. I have always heard that King Snakes are Territorial towards other species. Don't know how true it is but their has to be something to it.

I have seen hogs kill and eat Copperheads and Cottonmouths many times in my life. They have to be immune because I saw a Boar get bit many times while eating a Cottonmouth and never even got sick.

Something else I saw my Grandad do a few times during the drought of 1987 that always puzzled me. He Killed 3 Copperhead Snakes and hung them from a Tree Limb in his front yard. She said that hanging a dead snake would make it rain.

Anyone else ever heard of that?

Probably not marinated long enough! :)

Black snakes are supposed to go in the corn crib, they keep the rats and mice from eating the corn.

My cousin and I always hung snakes belly up over a fence wire in the summer on my granddads farm so it would rain. It always rained sooner or later so we figured it sure did work!

Don't know why the Apaches wouldn't eat reptile meat, it was just part of their tribal lore.

Guess how many pics I've posted in this thread that some mod has senselessly deleted??

Brilliant, ya think?


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