You must not have cared for it very much if you ate it, how was it cooked? Could have had something to do with the recipe was the reason you didn't like it.
When we put the Apaches on a reservation we gave them some hogs to raise and eat. The Apaches had a taboo against eating reptile meat. Since the hogs would eat reptiles (enthusiastically), the Apaches wouldn't eat the pork either.
When I was a kid I had some sows and I raised pigs for sale, one day I saw one of my young sows catch a rattlesnake and kill it and eat it, meanwhile the snake bit the sow several times. When dad came home from work I wanted him to call the vet but he said hogs were immune to snake venom. I was at the age of skepticism, especially when it came to my dad, I don't know why, I never knew of any lie he ever told me, so I watched the sow closely for several days waiting for her to die so I could prove him wrong. She didn't ever even swell up where she had been bitten and I had to give my dad credit one more time, he did know what he was talking about.
I once saw a king snake kill and eat a copperhead that was bigger than he was, it took him three days to swallow the copperhead, he had to digest part of it before he could get the whole snake swallowed.
We put the two snakes in a bucket after the king had the copperhead all wound up and on the way back home we picked up the bucket and carried it home and put them in a big glass jar and watched the king kill and eat
the copperhead, the king snake had his scales stretched so far that you could see snake skin between the scales.
Since then I've never killed a king or any kind of black snake, they are a terrific deterent to poisonous snakes.
I wonder how many of my posts the BHO loving monitors have deleted from this thread doggonit.