Have Democrats Become the Party of the Rich?

If you’re waiting for Democrats to talk as frankly about wealth as they do about race, don’t hold your breath.

Some recent US figures on the distribution of income by party: 65 percent of taxpayer households that earn more than $500,000 per year are now in Democratic districts; 74 percent of the households in Republican districts earn less than $100,00 per year. Add to this what we knew already, namely that the 10 richest congressional districts in the country all have Democratic representatives in Congress. The above numbers incidentally come from the Internal Revenue Service, via Bloomberg, and are likely to be more reliable than if they came from Project Veritas via theblaze.com.

We have known for some time that the dark money of Charles Koch is answered by the conspicuous money of Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Jack Dorsey, Tim Cook, Sundar Pichai, George Soros, Bill Gates, and a swelling chorus of others, none of whom “identify Republican.” Yet it has been comforting, in a way, to continue believing that real wealth resides with the old enemy: Big Oil and Big Tobacco and the rest. They were the ultimate source of the power that distorted American society and politics.

Have Democrats Become the Party of the Rich?

Dems have always been the party of wealth. They're just not the party of capitalism
So....even if you're granted this......are you only mad about this topic if you think the Democrats are guilty of it?
More like the party of Other People’s Money. Both to grift and redistribute. Yes the GOP is into other peoples money too but much less so on the grift (taxation)

There it is.

I'll give you one thing, Republicans are way better at suckering their base into taking their money and making them not realize it, and even get you to believe that giving them (the wealthy) all the tax breaks and advantages somehow helps you (spoiler: it doesn't).
There it is.

I'll give you one thing, Republicans are way better at suckering their base into taking their money and making them not realize it, and even get you to believe that giving them (the wealthy) all the tax breaks and advanatages somehow helps you (spoiler: it doesn't).
LMFAO yeah you’re an open book too champ 🤡
Lol ok. Its becoming that way on property taxes for sure the way they are sky rocketing. I max the SALT cap each year on the house alone forget sales tax averaging.

Self regulating though we don’t need to live in this damn place. At current growth rates it will be valued around $1M in a couple of years. No way I’d pay that for it. Zillow says $919k now thankfully tax records are way below that but they will catch up.
Hey, can you spare a twenty?

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