Have Randy Sanders skills been overlooked?

Originally posted by LadyinOrange@Jul 28, 2005 10:34 PM
I also look much better in orange spandex than you.

Don't talk to me about that. It's the freaks like you and Jr that fantasize about other posters wearing orange spandex. :laugh1:
Originally posted by milohimself@Jul 28, 2005 9:34 PM
It is the same as any of you rooting for an SEC that makes the national title game.

I don't root for ANY team but the University of Tennessee. I follow Kentucky a little bit in honor of my late father-in-law, but if any other SEC team plays for the MNC, I want them to lose.

Just so they can't rub it in.

Originally posted by GAVol@Jul 28, 2005 8:36 PM
Don't talk to me about that.  It's the freaks like you and Jr that fantasize about other posters wearing orange spandex.  :laugh1:

:dlol: :dlol: :dlol:
Originally posted by LadyinOrange@Jul 28, 2005 7:38 PM
I don't root for ANY team but the University of Tennessee. I follow Kentucky a little bit in honor of my late father-in-law, but if any other SEC team plays for the MNC, I want them to lose.

Just so they can't rub it in.


:lol: Alright, well you're an exception. I'm talking about all the people that were rooting for Auburn to make the Orange Bowl last season.
Originally posted by Vol67@Jul 28, 2005 9:19 PM
Bottom line since 1999 and Sanders as OC UT has not won a Title

And the recruiting classes are consistantly in the top ten. :dunno:
Originally posted by LadyinOrange@Jul 28, 2005 2:20 PM
Sexy is overrated. Solid and dependable is a much better bet.

Spoken like the lady of the board.

Women want dependable; men want sexy. :D

What's going on? I just can't stop laughing about Rick Flair with the Pope Hat.
Originally posted by KentheOrange@Jul 29, 2005 12:46 AM
And the recruiting classes are consistantly in the top ten.  :dunno:

No they haven't been, take the last 4 which were better than previous 3

2002 - #2
2003 - #18
2004 - #11
2005 - #4

You certainly low-balled those numbers 67.

Number 4 in 05, is the lowest of any publication anywhere. Most said 2 or three and some even had us number one.
I didn't low ball any of those numbers.

Anyway trying to use recruiting #'s with Sanders is laughable.

1 Southern Cal 20 4 11 5 3.95 2,631
2 Florida State 22 3 13 5 3.82 2,582
3 Oklahoma 27 2 14 10 3.63 2,441
4 Tennessee 27 1 16 9 3.63 2,403
5 Nebraska 30 2 11 12 3.33 2,178
6 Michigan 23 1 10 11 3.48 1,995
7 Miami-FL 17 2 11 3 3.82 1,976
8 Texas A&M 26 1 9 11 3.23 1,839
9 California 24 1 9 12 3.38 1,816
10 Georgia 19 0 11 8 3.58 1,814

The numbers I use are a more accurate description than the numbers your pulling from Scout.com which by the way is not as good as most other place in their evaluations and rankings of players.
You're pretty well off on the 05 rankings.

By all accounts, when considering the top analysts, and using a mean to derive the best class, most folks seemed to agree that we did in fact land the number one class in the nation this year.

You can't put all of your eggs in the Scout or Rivals basket, but when you look at a cross section of analysts we do come out on top.

Here's an AP report of a few some folks may not have seen.

2/3/05 date on that means 1 thing they were reranked for up to week afterward. Rivals final ranking had UT 4th, Wallace 3. Lemming 3
Can't we just say it was a good recruiting class? I don't trust most recruiting analysts anyhow, a lot of them are crooked.
Originally posted by milohimself@Jul 30, 2005 7:24 PM
Can't we just say it was a good recruiting class? I don't trust most recruiting analysts anyhow, a lot of them are crooked.

I think top 5 is sufficient. It's impossible to differentiate that closely.

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