Have the floodgates opened for Pearl

Originally posted by Orangewhiteblood@Jun 14, 2005 10:00 PM
I can't even believe that our  basketball program is competing with Illinois or Kentucky.

haha i know, took me a minute to realize it..Usually its Belmont or some other small school..I'm really glad things are comin along the way they are.

anyone have any info on Watkins?? havent heard alot about him.
"FWIW, I don't think our chances are very good with Pierre Niles. He completely dropped UT from his list after the coaching change."

Niles dropped UTK right after the coaching change, but as of right now he is interested in building a relationship with the new coaching staff. So, its not like he has written off playing at UTK. I think as time goes on and he gets to know that coaching staff there is still a chance with him. UTK is listed in his newest list on rivals.
Originally posted by Volsguy12@Jun 14, 2005 11:01 PM
anyone have any info on Watkins??

He's a prototypical SEC forward. He looked about 6-9, is long and wiry-strong, very athletic, and plays hard. He handles the ball ok for a player his size, and has some moves around the basket, like a nifty turnaround inside 10 feet. He's a good rebounder and already has a decent understanding on how to box out - which puts him ahead of a lot of high schoolers. He also showed the ability to drive and dunk on the baseline, and has very good hands.

He's not a dominant player yet, but he has a lot of tools that I like, and he'd fit in Pearl's up-and-down system perfectly.
RTH, Bruce Pearl has taken an inordinate amount of shots lately for a coach so new to a program. Care to take moment to tell what you know, or have heard about his x/o and recruiting abilities?
Pearl came into a very difficult situation in Knoxville, compounded by the fact that, to outside observers, everything seemed to be fine.

The University's internal investigation into the Tyler Smith recruitment tells you all you need to know about why that situation is as it is. It also explains why Jamont Gordon bolted as soon as Peterson was ousted.

The Dotson situation was a difficult decision to make, but despite what certain writers want to paint it as, it was a mutual decision initiated by Dotson's parents. Certainly, there was tremendous disappointment on their part but they were the ones who went to Pearl to find out what he thought of Matthew's chances to compete, and he was honest with them, which led to the parting of ways. The timing was quite unfortunate, but the media has painted that situation in a very different light than it actually occured in.

Now, Pearl is beginning to emerge from the remaining Peterson debris and he's showing his talent on the recruiting trail. His staff of Edgar, Jones, and Shay is well-balanced among experience, enthusiasm, and savvy, with a variety of established home bases to draw from.

On the court, we can expect to see a team that competes for 40 minutes on both ends. Pearl preaches intense defense, fast break offense with a focus on three point shots, and substitution patterns to keep the pace of play as fast as possible to wear out the opponents. The team will be one of the toughest, most well-conditioned in the conference shortly into his tenure, and if they buy into his system (and all reactions from the players have been EXTREMELY positive towards Pearl), they will be competitive, even as soon as this season.

The media and fans have been rough on Pearl, but there's little doubt that this is his program now and he's going to do things his way, even if it might ruffle a few feathers.

And that's exactly what I like to see from a new coach in a program that has been mostly sluggish for the past couple decades...
Thanks for the insight RTH, and welcome to the Nation! Well presented thoughts, and an interesting read! I look forward to seeing UT hoops grow to occupy the position most of us around here believe they should have held all along.

RTH you seem to have the voice of reason...It's refreshing to see someone who seems to know the game and the players actually giving kudos to Pearl..Thank You!...BTW, are you Bruce Pearl?
BTW..RTH, I noticed your signature is Jeff Markman, Prepstars.com..does that make your post an quote from Prepstars.com and Jeff Markman?
COOOL!..BTW Jeff, any details on the Tyler Smith investigation that you may know or can share?...you appeared a little cryptic in your mention of that situation in your earlier post.
I have no idea where Dotson will end up, but I'm certain he'll land on his feet. Last I heard, he received 13 scholarship offers the day he was released from his LOI to Tennessee.

With regard to the Smith situation, the investigation was launched to probe whether former assistant Chuck Benson promised any improper benefits to Tyler Smith and/or any other recruits.

I've been able to confirm that Billy Smith, Tyler's father, was fairly well known to have his his hand out for something extra, whether it be payment or other improper benefits. As far as I can tell, Buzz didn't know anything about it (if, indeed, Benson was making illicit arrangements), though that remains somewhat unclear. FWIW, Benson was also the lead recruiter on Jamont Gordon and Pierre Niles, so read into that what you will about their immediate rejection of Tennessee after the coaching change.
RTH:I've been able to confirm that Billy Smith, Tyler's father, was fairly well known to have his his hand out for something extra, whether it be payment or other improper benefits. As far as I can tell, Buzz didn't know anything about it (if, indeed, Benson was making illicit arrangements), though that remains somewhat unclear. FWIW, Benson was also the lead recruiter on Jamont Gordon and Pierre Niles, so read into that what you will about their immediate rejection of Tennessee after the coaching change.

Thank's RTH, BTW, Pearl took incredible heat when he turned in Illinois (Some would say he set his career back 10 years). Now it appears he's looked up another dress in Benson. Is it that Pearl is the only Div. 1 coach out there gutsy enough to tell the Soprano's they cannot sing or is the ground so low in college basketball recruiting, that everytime you look up there's a rear end that has to be kissed or spanked? It looks like to me that the majority of College coaches snif, close thier eyes and then kiss. I like the thought that Pearl will pop thier A$$, I just hope there are enough good recruits with character out there to help TN become what it wants to be in Basketball. Win or lose, I can support a butt beater as long as he's not a bottom feeder.
Originally posted by TBALLVOL@Jun 16, 2005 7:43 AM
Is it that Pearl is the only Div. 1 coach out there gutsy enough to tell the Soprano's they cannot sing or is the ground so low in college basketball recruiting, that everytime you look up there's a rear end that has to be kissed or spanked?

FWIW, I don't think Pearl has anything to do with this investigation. It's all Mike Hamilton.

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