Have you ever been in a textationship before?

Have you ever been in a textationship before where you texted a person of the opposite sex for months on end without meeting in person? If you haven't then why the heck not? My longest textationship was nine months. I haven't been in one for several years. I haven't been on a date since 2015. I hope you have a great day.

No. But, I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night.
Have you ever been in a textationship before where you texted a person of the opposite sex for months on end without meeting in person? If you haven't then why the heck not? My longest textationship was nine months. I haven't been in one for several years. I haven't been on a date since 2015. I hope you have a great day.
Hairy palm alert!
Sometimes that textating might be better than the follow through.

I used to know a guy in another forum, years ago that met a gal online, drove across the country in some clapped out old truck and kinda coasted up in her yard just as he wheels fell off. She was stuck with his worthless azz for years.

we all in the forum tried to help him but he was unhelpable.
Sometimes that might be better than the follow through.

I used to know a guy in another forum, years ago that met a gal online, drove across the country in some clapped out old truck and kinda coasted up in her yard just as he wheels fell off. She was stuck with his worthless azz for years.

we all in the forum tried to help him but he was unhelpable.
Plus it is much cheaper to text than to pay child support for 18 years.

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