Get a better accountant. If you are self employed all the business tax breaks are there for your taking. Take them!!!
Otherwise if you have to pay more I look at is as just an even up on all the tax breaks you receive over the non-self-employed.
For being self-employed, I get a little tax help from paying for insurance. But that doesn't help the cash flow, especially when you are paying $800 a month. Plus, I pay more taxes for being self-employed. It is a double whammy. When you are a W2, the employer pays part of the tax and you pay part of the tax. So, it is not that simple.
You do not pay more taxes for being self employed..
What is your middle class profession if you mind?
Being self-employed, I have to pay the employer Medicare and SS part. I don't pay more percentage wise than anyone else, but I pay both the employer and employee taxes.
I am an attorney. I do not work for a big firm, and I am an independent contractor. The way our fee structure works is that I don't have alot of expenses. I do not write a check for overhead. Fees are split to cover costs. I have been practicing less than 10 years. Yes, I make a decent living, and I am blessed. But, I am not upper class, and I do not have boatloads of money to pay for things.
Being self-employed, I have to pay the employer Medicare and SS part. I don't pay more percentage wise than anyone else, but I pay both the employer and employee taxes.
I am an attorney. I do not work for a big firm, and I am an independent contractor. The way our fee structure works is that I don't have alot of expenses. I do not write a check for overhead. Fees are split to cover costs. I have been practicing less than 10 years. Yes, I make a decent living, and I am blessed. But, I am not upper class, and I do not have boatloads of money to pay for things.
you suck
you are an attorney
you have a JD?
grow a pair
I still do not understand why getting health insurance was made a law. If it was so good, then wouldn't all the American people want it without making it a law? What doesn't the government want control of?
Reason it was made a law was because of the rising health care costs each year. People would choose to go without it, have something happen, go get medical attention, not pay the bill, and pass on the costs to those who have health insurance. That's the thought behind it anyways. The bill is a good idea in theory, but needsa lot of work to make it better.
Isn't there another way to do this? Instead of changing what many already have? A colleague of mine said that we can just take tax dollars and subsidize those who can't afford it, but don't effect those who already have a policy instead of making all insurance companies cover certain things. I don't have the answers, but it sucks. The current administration is hurting the middle class.
Reason it was made a law was because of the rising health care costs each year. People would choose to go without it, have something happen, go get medical attention, not pay the bill, and pass on the costs to those who have health insurance. That's the thought behind it anyways. The bill is a good idea in theory, but needsa lot of work to make it better.
Keith, I didn't start the thread to be disparaged. I shouldn't have even gone there. Just because I am an attorney doesn't mean I make a ridiculous amount of money. Yes, some in my profession do, but people don't understand that a bad economy effects us as well. Get over yourself. I was asking a serious question.
Reason it was made a law was because of the rising health care costs each year. People would choose to go without it, have something happen, go get medical attention, not pay the bill, and pass on the costs to those who have health insurance. That's the thought behind it anyways. The bill is a good idea in theory, but needsa lot of work to make it better.
No I don't have tens of thousands. Just like I don't have $12,000 to pay the deductible of the only rate that my wife and I can afford.
My wife is fresh out of college. I work a $35,000 per year job, she is trying to get into vet school. We can afford to pay bills and have a little extra. What we can't afford is paying a $400-$500 monthly health insurance premium so that Ghetto Gloria and her 8 kids can pay $9 a month out of her welfare check for her premium.
Another warning:
If you happen to shop ON-Market (through, you will see plans for example that say S09P, S09S, S09E, S09 AINI, S09 AI, S09 NI. The ones with AI and NI have $0 premiums, you don't pay anything for any services and you can go to any Dr. BUT it won't tell you until you've dug in deep about these plans that they are for card carrying, Federally recognized American Indian (AI) or Native Indian (NI) tribes. Doesn't even tell you up front what they mean.
Where did you find the better rates?