Ok. Assuming you really
believe everything you're saying about the government
taking over energy, food, money, housing, etc., what do
you plan to do in the future to protect yourself? Did you
just start to believe this when Obama was elected or
have you believed these things for a long time?
Not much of a student of world history are you??
"If the American people ever allow private
banks to control the issue of their money,
first by inflation and then by deflation,
the banks and corporations that will
grow up around them (around the banks),
will deprive the people of their property
until their children will wake up homeless
on the continent their fathers conquered."
Thomas Jefferson
Assuming you don't believe what I say then read
"Tragedy and Hope" by Carrol Quigley, 1966,
then get back to me and see if he doesn't spell
it out.
Don't read what is written about his book,
read the book.
BTW, Quigley was for these oligarchs, the title
of the book refers to his hope they would succede
and that it would be tragic to oppose them.
Quigley thought they should make their work public
rather than secret.
"The powers of financial capitalism had another far-
reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world
system of financial control in private hands able to
dominate the political system of each country and
the economy of the world as a whole.
This system was to be controlled in a feudalist
fashion by the central banks of the world acting
in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in
frequent meetings and conferences.
The apex of the systems was to be the Bank for
International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland, a
private bank owned and controlled by the world's
central banks which were themselves private
Each central bank...sought to dominate its government
by its ability to control Treasury loans, to manipulate
foreign exchanges, to influence the level of economic activity in the country, and to influence cooperative politicians by subsequent economic rewards in the business world."
The people Quigley was writing about disagreed and
although the first edition quickly sold out the publisher
refused to publish a second edition and sometime during
the seventies someone did a search in every university
library in America and could only find one who listed it
and that was the Univ of Texas, although the actual
book was missing.
Of course that isn't the only book around that
would give you
more insight.
My attitude didn't start with Obama but he is
certainly as much of a useful idiot as Carter and
he also has the benefit of all the Clinton retreads
that had eight years of experience in Washington
already, Obama is quite an effective useful idiot
as useful idiots go.
Clinton thanked his mentors in one inaugural address
and the only one he mentioned by name was Quigley.
You can snopes this; Obama's dad wasn't some goat
herder, he worked for the central bank of Kenya and
BTW Obama also attended Columbia although just about
all records of Obama's history have been disappeared
from birth certificate til now.
I say at least by 1968 and certainly that didn't just
come from reading Quigley.
For you to go from naieve to learnful doesn't mean
you will see things my way, Quigley was voted their
'most influential professor' on campus by the students
at Columbia University for 28 straight years.
But it would help if you weren't so naive, at least
you would make for much more interesting discussion
and cease with dishing out insults which you can't handle your own self.
Oh, and what am I doing to protect myself, I'm not
worried, my main concern is to pass on as much as
I cant to future generations so that American freedom
can endure as long as possible, one method is to try
to pry open the minds of ones such as you in order
to let a little light and fresh air in, you sure could
use it.