I thought our conditioning was a bit better this year but had been sorta bad to average for a while now. But it might only have to do with the natural stamina o the players.
Even with the short lineup we did a better job substituting this year. Just not many options.
UT spokesperson Jimmy Stanton said via text message Thursday night that Mason had been “placed on administrative leave until June 3 at which time she will no longer by employed by the University.”
Maybe she wasn't worth a dam. Maybe we can get someone better. Maybe she was a pain in the rear suing the university over nothing. Maybe the AD was just tired of her BS. The AD is not a welfare agency and can decide who it wants and doesn't want.
Hart inherited a real mess! Mason's reasoning for sueing the University seemed very arrogant. Hart needed to remove the puss from the sore so it can heal....
Hart inherited a real mess! Mason's reasoning for sueing the University seemed very arrogant. Hart needed to remove the puss from the sore so it can heal....