Helm in a boot?

I'd say the high ankle sprains we are seeing to the players (more and more frequently, it seems) has a direct correlation to the university's financial contract with Adidas.

Our trainers are not allowed to spat (tape over the outside of the shoes for decreased mobility and added stability) these young men. This is a restricted practice, because spatting a player's shoes will cover the Adidas logo.

It's sad that the potential for such injuries, along with the long-term medical issues that could result from such negligence, is being ignored in order for Adidas to have their logo visible on the shoes.

I'm not saying that spatting a player's ankles would eliminate all (or any) of the injuries, it just sucks that it could and it's not available to our guys.
Also probably has to do with not being able to hit high anymore. More ACL and other leg injuries instead of head.

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