Helmet Stickers...

Helmet stickers have always been a reminder of the effort it took and a reward for a job well done. For teams that use them, I'll bet they are as important to most players as combat medals to a serviceman. Whether they are given for an exceptional play or won games doesn't matter. Where they're put on the helmet doesn't matter either. I'm sure the players are proud of each one they earn, glad to have them, and wear them proudly.

the whinnybrooks :cray: who don't like 'em probably didn't want the Smokey Gray unis either. But by far the large majority of fans, all the players, and every single one of the recruits at the Dawgs game loved 'em, thought they were great.

I like the unis and I like the Bricks, and if you don't:zeitung_lesen:.

Step right up, the 21st century awaits. You can even getcher very own Dick Tracy communicator watch now.
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fyp :)
unfortunately, will not be many stickers on the helmets for the next few years

True, if we could just get some dad-blamed recruits to help out....maybe even a JUCO or two that could contribute immediately...
I noticed that on Worley's helmet in the Georgia game and was wondering what it was. I don't mind them. If the players like it and it helps to motivate them, I say why not. I'm all for our great tradition, but the landscape of college football is changing. Either change with it or get left behind. One of our former coaches knows all about that.
You guys that are complaining need to get with the times. This could be a important tool to help players and recruits buy in to the program. Its not like we are covering up the T...
Love the helmet stickers.. Love the alternate unis... Love Butch... Love the Vols... Yeah, that's pretty much it. Those who don't...they need to either get with the times or roll with the tide, because this wagon is rising on up to the top. GBO

Always hated helmet stickers even in HS. BUT, if it helps us win and recruit in anyway then by all means sticker away!
#1 Yes, it's cheesy.

#2 While you're at it, go ahead and remove that Lawyerease crap off the helmet too. If you just have to have all that fine print that absolutely nobody is going to read. Yet may be useful in possible future litigation against you. Just print it on the inside. It looks (and IS imo) rediculous.

#3 Have not seen any uniform discussion of the little 3D power T on the front top of the helmet. Kinda cool I guess.

This. I thought i was the only one that noticed it, and didn't want to be "that guy" that starts a thread over a minor uniform change....

But i agree - I like it.

And for the record, i like that Butch is changing a few things up. I loved things the way they were, but its his program now so as long as he wins no problems.
"Snap & Clear"

Setting a goal to have an undefeated season is great. Losing 1 or more games can quickly erase that goal. Each additional loss only crushes each new win total goal.

When a loss takes place, we constantly hear the coaches say they must put it behind them, forget about it and get ready for the next game - a variation of this, used by the current coaching staff, is the phrase 'Snap and Clear'.

It would seem that a constant reminder of the games lost and the unfulfilled goals would not be something that supports the 'Snap and Clear' mentality/motto.

It could be seen as a reminder of the losses as a motivational tool to work harder for the next game.

Either way, it seems this sort of sticker will be getting way too much focus from everyone who knows what they represent. The team would probably be better served if the stickers were left in the package.
"Snap & Clear"

Setting a goal to have an undefeated season is great. Losing 1 or more games can quickly erase that goal. Each additional loss only crushes each new win total goal.

When a loss takes place, we constantly hear the coaches say they must put it behind them, forget about it and get ready for the next game - a variation of this, used by the current coaching staff, is the phrase 'Snap and Clear'.

It would seem that a constant reminder of the games lost and the unfulfilled goals would not be something that supports the 'Snap and Clear' mentality/motto.

It could be seen as a reminder of the losses as a motivational tool to work harder for the next game.

Either way, it seems this sort of sticker will be getting way too much focus from everyone who knows what they represent. The team would probably be better served if the stickers were left in the package.

The comments from the players seemed to contradict what you just said.
You guys that are complaining need to get with the times. This could be a important tool to help players and recruits buy in to the program. Its not like we are covering up the T...
What do we do if the players put the bricks right on the T? Do we say if that's what they want and it makes them happy then it's ok?

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