I grew up watching the Vols go from national relevance to whatever we were in the 2010s, supposedly I watched our NC but I have no memories from that. I've always pinpointed the beginning of the downfall as our loss to clempson in the Peach Bowl, not 2005 nor the UCLA nor Wyoming losses. In fact I've long maintained that they were only a powerhouse in the 4 team cfp era because we were not. Anyway, I remember my parents complaining about how uncharacteristically undisciplined we looked against the acc featherweights. And I remember nothing going our way, including one play that has haunted me... Clausen throwing a pick off a linemans heel while trying to spike the ball. But I've skimmed through Larry Smith's upload of the game and didn't see it. In fact I've checked several games from that early 2000s era from Larry Smith and Freak's yt channels as well as play by play recaps and I can't find it. I don't think this is a false memory since I've spoken with others about it, but it still eludes me. Hoping one of you absolute maniacs can help me track this play down.
Edit: it's worth noting that I was very young when this play happened so I'm absolutely an unreliable narrator here, very well could've been a different game or season or it could've even been a play for the other team that had a "positive" result for them. Please help me find this so I can put my mind at ease.