stupidity can be proven, unfortunately idiotic opinions are just that, opinions, and aren't provable.
I just showed the idiot left's method of covering over their filthy ways. That is not just my opinion, here are the facts. Libs say:
“You should be open minded.” This means you should agree with liberals and be closed to everything else.
“Pro-choice.” In actuality this means being against the ability of a woman to chose to keep her child. It also means being against the choice of life for the infants.
“We are patriotic, too.” This actually means “we love the dreamy-dream of what we want America to be but we don’t love what she is.”
“We love American democracy.” This means “we love the fact that we can subvert America at every level, especially by implementing vote fraud.”
“Democrats are for the little guy.” If that little guy is a millionaire, then I guess they are for the little guy. Other wise, not so much.
“Freedom fighter.” To a liberal a freedom fighter is anyone that would fight against the U.S.A. You know, like the Taliban, al Qaieda, folks like that.
“Freedom of speech.” To a liberal, free speech means that they should be allowed to say everything. On the other hand, if you are a conservative YOU shouldn’t be allowed to say anything. You should shut up because YOU are dangerous.
“Separation of church and state.” To liberals this means the elimination of church, not merely the separation of religion from government.
“Rule of law.” To a liberal, rule of law is not a fixed thing. It is a capricious, instantly changing amalgam of temporary and convenient rules meant to give cover to their every momentary whim and situational ethic.
“Bipartisan.” Give up your own ideas and agree with them and you are indulging their perfect idea of bipartisanship.
Well, certainly there are a lot of others that I have not touched upon here. But, you get the idea. The sad fact is that when you hear a liberal speak when they are trying to convince others to join them, they are often speaking in terms that contradict their real meaning.