Very often, such sites insist you must download and/or install an app to access games. I shun any such site that requires me to install something to access what supposed to immediately viewable on the site. I do that for the very reason Volador states above. you end up either getting a virus or (probably same thing) an app or software that REFUSES to leave n matter how often you delete it or even tell windows to set a restore point. Last year for one site I was advised, I was forced to restore but before rebooting, dig into the registry and hunt down stuff associated with that app. It was stunning how many places it hid itself in, including folders of legitimate software. This allowed it to reinstall itself anytime you booted your computer. This is very much the way some sneakware works. Example, you GOOGLE something innocent like maybe Sixteen Candles, which is a movie. But somehow, somehow, somehow a web page that's belongs to a porn site pops up. Annoyed you click the "X" corner to get ri dof it. It may vanish or it may load 5-10 additional pages. You finally get rid of them. But sneakware that auto-directs you to such pages when you Google using certain words or even suddenly load without any prompting. Or, as what happens more often now your Internet Security repeatedly reports an attack or other security breaching attempt from these sites. So I steer clear form any site that asks me to download or install anything to view something.
Now, we're told by an experienced person to navigate the popups without downloading or installing anything. That can work but watch, watch, watch everything from your task bar to indicators that show computer activity when a pages is presumably loaded so activity should be stopped. Also minimize your browser because some sites load and hide behind the main browser page. You don't see them until you try to close the browser of minimize the page you're actually viewing. Sorry for being long-winded but I wouldn't want any Vols fan to get trapped into such stuff.