Herschel Walker channeling his inner Travis Henry

The last time Herschel saw this many holes, he was playing the 1980-1982 Gators...

I saw him play UF in person in the Jax game one year. I won't forget it. Guy was a freaking cyborg machine just running THROUGH people. I think like 4 or 5 Gator players died that afternoon.
I saw him play UF in person in the Jax game one year. I won't forget it. Guy was a freaking cyborg machine just running THROUGH people. I think like 4 or 5 Gator players died that afternoon.
I think he averaged over 200 ypg against the Gators.
You forget to switch screen names or is talking to yourself a thing you do at baseline?
That's right up there with baby murder
You forget to switch screen names or is talking to yourself a thing you do at baseline?
You do that all the time, don't you.

Tell me my other screen name oh daft one.
2 new kids in one week. Travis Henry be like, "Yo Herschel, ease up on the raw dogging."

They aren’t “new”. He’s been a part of their lives for a long time. Guess I don’t understand why liberals care so much
They aren’t “new”. He’s been a part of their lives for a long time. Guess I don’t understand why liberals care so much
You know how the left operates.

Black man that supports the left= Oppressed, heroic, proud, and deserves our support as he helped build this country

Black man that supports the right=Treasonous Uncle Tom that becomes a punching bag for white liberals.
The flood gates are open! They can let their racism shine through.
You know how the left operates.

Black man that supports the left= Oppressed, heroic, proud, and deserves our support as he helped build this country

Black man that supports the right=Treasonous Uncle Tom that becomes a punching bag for white liberals.
The flood gates are open! They can let their racism shine through.

Liked Colin Powell, Condy etc.

Don't like morons. Walker is a moron.

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