Herschel Walker channeling his inner Travis Henry

Herschel is dumber then a bag of hammers. I don't care for Warnock. But good lord they are both dangerous
What's his view on small government, decreases borrowing and spending, and low taxes?
You know how the left operates.

Black man that supports the left= Oppressed, heroic, proud, and deserves our support as he helped build this country

Black man that supports the right=Treasonous Uncle Tom that becomes a punching bag for white liberals.
The flood gates are open! They can let their racism shine through.

Yep, you know the dems true colors when they see a black man that isn't a communist.
If HW didn’t carry a football for UGA, all these folks wouldn’t give him the time of day..dead beat dad, cheats on spouse, illegitimate kids, multiple personalities, wife beater…he’s the perfect Republican candidate. Outside of the spousal abuse he sounds like the former president
If HW didn’t carry a football for UGA, all these folks wouldn’t give him the time of day..dead beat dad, cheats on spouse, illegitimate kids, multiple personalities, wife beater…he’s the perfect Republican candidate. Outside of the spousal abuse he sounds like the former president
Got some serious anger management issues too
Herschel is dumber then a bag of hammers. I don't care for Warnock. But good lord they are both dangerous

It's a shame Georgia couldn’t find someone better than these two. I guess they wouldn't vote for them.

Even that fact that Abrams is a candidate for governor again says a lot about the state of Georgia. I think she will lose comfortably this time though.
You know how the left operates.

Black man that supports the left= Oppressed, heroic, proud, and deserves our support as he helped build this country

Black man that supports the right=Treasonous Uncle Tom that becomes a punching bag for white liberals.
The flood gates are open! They can let their racism shine through.

Curious to their views towards anyone of Jewish heritage. Oh wait, I forgot. They're too busy mapping out location, in and around the Boston metro area. Along with the addresses, names and family members of prominent local individuals with jewish faith. Also from the liberal activist group BDS....

The organizers explained that: “We have shown physical addresses, named officers and leaders, and mapped connections. These entities exist in the physical world and can be disrupted in the physical world. We hope people will use our map to help figure out how to push back effectively…. we support non-cooperation, community self-defense, and resistance in all its forms.”
Looks like he also has a daughter (it's in one of the tweets from the thread below). Congrats to Senator Warnock on his upcoming reelection.

He’s supported them and spent time with them. This is just usual hypocrisy and pearl clutching from the beta crew
"In Christian’s case, Walker has played an extremely active role in his life. In the case of Walker’s 10-year-old, the football star seems to have played very little role. In this latest case with his 13-year-old son, Walker seems to have been present on at least two occasions, according to social media photos. But it’s unclear how active he’s been beyond that."

And by "time" you mean a few hours here and there. FATHER OF THE YEAR!
"In Christian’s case, Walker has played an extremely active role in his life. In the case of Walker’s 10-year-old, the football star seems to have played very little role. In this latest case with his 13-year-old son, Walker seems to have been present on at least two occasions, according to social media photos. But it’s unclear how active he’s been beyond that."

And by "time" you mean a few hours here and there. FATHER OF THE YEAR!
That's extremely vague. They are taking social media posts as proof? Stupid. Is the children's mother, or anyone who has any substantive knowledge, claiming he isn't being a supportive father?

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