I am guessing this would require a transformer? Something that steps it up right at the charger, instead of just pulling straight from a plug. Most already have an AC/DC "transformer" built in.
I always have to think of this in terms of fluids because I am dumb architect.
Problem is car requires a large volume of electricity. Current solution is low flow for a while. This Ford cable ups the pressure, so less time is needed.
Instead of a pump, you have a transformer, opposite of what goes on outside the house bringing power from the lines.
I guess what you are saying is the system has to supply a big amount of electricity all at once. And if it does that enough the system gets overloaded. For me it's the same overall amount of power, so if you are worried about brown outs it seems like it would be an issue, long or short.
I would think some type of networked EV system could limit the immediate issues, if you can get everyone on the same system. Most of the ones we spec have a data connection as well, so its talking to some system somewhere. So maybe it's just a software thing to get over this hurdle.
^all dumb architect speculation^