Hey Florida fans....



Danneskjöld's love child.
Oct 2, 2010
Sup biatches!


My Unofficial yearly Tennessee vs Florida theme song. Courtesy of Lil John and this excellent remix.


...been listening to and posting this song for this game long before Third down for what, for several years now. Lil Jon Captures my Florida feels. EffF Florida, EFF their fans, eff their sorry program, and good luck on your sink back to the bottom where your program crawled out from only with the help of Tennessean.
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No joke though, we are 2 and 2 which should be no surprise to anyone but the most delusional. But the nega vols said Georgia would stomp us, and Jawja got away barely by the skin of their teeth. I said that would be close as well, and negavols had the same sad defeatist outlook. Oklahoma was no huge hit to my pride as they are likely NC bound......and maybe hardest game on our season this year. But lets face it Gators look fugly.....and this is on home turf......Our guys may be young but they are hungry, and we got more talent then Gators do currently, I KNOW this....even if they still lack experience...

I'm calling it now...Gators gonna get whipped! And I will be there! Yelling all the way from storm troopin dressed in whites section K !!!!

Even in our losses, we have been showing some damn impressive play, especially on D, and the Gators so far this year look butt ugly on the field.
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And they'll be first in line to question if Butch is the right guy if we lose.

That's the theme of negavols....... Butch has already proven to me he's got the program in the right direction, and the kids thinking like winners unlike many of this boards sorry fans.
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Bunch of chest bumping from a fans whose team has lost 9 in a row

And we talk about Vandy fans

You don't have to take a dump in every thread. Nothing said by fans will change the outcome in any way

It's a game. Have some fun and try to enjoy it.
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You don't have to take a dump in every thread. Nothing said by fans will change the outcome in any way

It's a game. Have some fun and try to enjoy it.

Taking a dump is all some negavols can do., negative energy from the Fulmer haters, became delusional Lane Train people, which converted to Dooley hopefuls, and self pity, which just went back to the negavols they were before this mess all started.....their bad vibes are what got this program into trouble in first place, and their lack of support is only thing dragging it down now. But Butch, and the team luckily do not think this way, and I am seeing nothing but positive on this team... We are doing much better then I had even hoped, especially on defense. I also saw a lot to like even in teh Oklahoma game. We got some great plays off, and were just inches off from doing what we needed to do, against an incredibly tough team that I still think will be in the final 4 for National title.

Only pitiful people who don't know to look at anything but a final score could not be impressed by the improvement shown last two games. Likewise only any but the most delusional FLorida fan could look at their games this year and be anything but worried as hell about this game.....

We got this......we're on our way back up, and the Gators are on their way back down.
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Sup biatches!


My Unofficial yearly Tennessee vs Florida theme song. Courtesy of Lil John and this excellent remix.


...been listening to this for this game long before Third down for what. EffF Florida, EFF their fans, eff their sorry program, and good luck on your sink back to the bottom where your program crawled out from only with the help of Tennessean.

By the way what the h3ll is that?:eek:lol: Looks like something you see at an animal shelter but don't adopt...just walk slowly by the cage.
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Hey don't be down on lil John.....He's on our side!

The 2014 Tennessee Volunteers football team adopted an adaptation of Lil Jon and DJ Snakes' hit "Turn Down For What" -- and it appears the team now has the backing of the song's co-creator, Lil Jon.

On Tuesday, Lil Jon shouted to the official Volunteers football Twitter account, and followed that up Wednesday with support for the Vols (2-2) as they head toward a showdown with the Florida Gators (2-1) on Saturday at home.

Lil Jon supports Tennessee's 'Third Down For What,' collaboration next? | FOX Sports
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I think you Negafans, think by being negative you are all "realistic", or come across as wise. Rather then more likely the ones who get all worked up, can't deal with losing, and so unload your negativity online. Bunch of EEeyores. Be a real fan and support your Vols win or lose, and talk about their accomplishments, because we are looking incredibly improved this season. You think you come across all realistic and like some wanna be Sports Talk radio dude.....but all I am seeing is....Emo Hitler.

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You don't have to take a dump in every thread. Nothing said by fans will change the outcome in any way

It's a game. Have some fun and try to enjoy it.

Coming in and dumping on threads maybe CV's idea of fun. On a side note I have been watching UT football long enough to not care what anyone says. The players and coaches determine the outcome of games not the fans.
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Maybe not.....but the fans base does effect policy at programs at times, and that can definitely screw what the Coaches want to accomplish. If anyone is that down on the Vols go buy yourself a Bama Jesery convert like half the Neo-Bama fans in TN and don't let the screen door hit your butt on the way out.
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