I am in an extreme hurry so let me just say one quick thing.
I am not against the Fair Tax because I think it is a bad idea. I am just against the current Fait Tax proposal being issued by Huckabee and FairTax.org or whatever their bias site states
I look at this FairTax propsal as Version 1.0 in what could be released around Version 5.0. There are too many holes to their proposal AND one thing people don't get is how hard it would be to actually implement most of its idea.
To hear most of its supporters talk, I wonder if they actually understand what would occur if we put into effect the Huckabee tax plan in terms of putting it to use in America today. Any talk of getting rid of the IRS if flatly absurd as that shows me that someone really has no idea what the IRS does AND how they would be desperately needed even IF the FT was put into effect.
Do I agree with some of the FT's ideas? Yes. But I also think that the FairTax was championed by Huck not to actually be put into place and used but used because it is more of a "cool" way to attract voters and it is a plan that on the outside has all sorts of positives to the average joe that hasn't a clue how the tax system works.
The Tax system without doubt needs changes. I am NOT saying to keep it the way it is. The AMT should be eliminated along with other taxes BUT the ideas of the FairTax are too simplistic and unrealistic, in my eyes.
I think many of the Pro-FT supporters from the Media (like Greenspan) make very good points on why it would succeed but even THEY point out the utter harsh realities it would face.
More reason it needs to be tweaked and massively changed before it comes out