When we ran into each other the other day you made the statement that you wouldn't want your guys going up to UT because they might get into trouble with Kiffin. You also said Richt doesn't do the same thing well this is just not true. Georgia just reported 3 violations in one day a couple weeks ago they have 6 for the year. The same as UT. This is normal. Major schools average about 12-14 secondary violations per year. Some school average 20 such as Ohis State and USC. The reason schools like USC average more and Kiffin probably will as well, well I hope he does. Is secondary violations are irrelevant until a rule change is made. The coaches at those schools actually have a greater understanding of the rules then do there counterparts thus they use them to there advantage the reverse of what you said. ESPN is making a big deal out of them right now because A: Kiffin is allowing open access to the press, whereas Georgia saves there violations keeps them private and releases them a few times in a year. B: Kiffin is hot in the media and helping there ratings. I have provided some links that verify my information. As far as major violations UT has 2 in its much longer tradition and history then Georgia's 6 in its lackluster history. The most any school has is 8 the would be SMU who received the death penalty I believe. FSU has 6 as well which is where Richt came from btw. It is not that Richt does not do the same things he just does not do them as well.
With Kindest Regards,