Because they weren't. Nazism and both other well-known versions of fascism exhibited every bit as much in the way of far right wing politics as they did far left. The political spectrum simply isn't linear. Had you bothered to read what I wrote to you to begin with, you would not be asking me the same question that I already answered. Were they fanatical leftists? No. Were the fanatical right wingers? No. They can't simply be labeled left or right wing because they weren't simply left or right wing. Again, to profess that they were either is to completely ignore the actual makeup of fascist politics. These governments existed as amalgams of extremist elements of both "sides," as much as I hate to use that word, because it is utterly useless. Like it or not, there exists an extreme right wing and and extreme left wing, and when they actually garner enough support to put themselves in power, they tend to borrow from one another and, in many cases, greatly resemble one another. In the case of the Nazis and fascists, they simply combined ridiculous elements of both leanings into one despicable form of government.
As for the part that I deleted, I have told you multiple times that I will no long discuss Kenya. Why? Mainly because of your ultra lame excuse of "I can't read pdf files on my computer" when I shot down the main piece of evidence on which you were basing our main point of contention. Give it a rest.
The word fascism comes from the Italian language
and is from the word meaning 'bundle.'
The idea was to bundle as many different voting
blocks as possible to vote for one particular party.
As in Obama trying to portray himself as some sort
of modern day Ronald Reagan.
I think you are confusing political rhetoric with actual
actions once in power.
Not left wing or right wing but 'centrists' as Fareed
Zakaria portrays himself and as the Dhimmis claim
Bubba Clinton to be.
It is political rhetoric and doesn't accurately portray
the realities.
If Obama and HR Clinton aren't extremists then there
is no such animal.
You will no longer discuss Kenya because everything
I've said was true and with the help of Obama, Kenya
now DOES have moslem sharia law incodedinto it's
The only thing you deny is that Obama's candidate
had a written and signed contract with the islamic
I produced a copy and the testimony of several
Christian leaders who claimed this to be true.
All you produced was the word of one moslem sheik
who claimed this wasn't true. No doubt he was
using taqqiya (lying to the enemy) to lead you astray.
Nevertheless, that was all prior to the election.
When Obama's candidate didn't win, the moslems
rioted until the Kenyan president appointed him to
be PM.
They got their way through civil violence, thousands
of Christians were murdered, some hundreds of women
and children were burned to death as they sought
sanctuary in their churches and hundreds of thousands
were displaced and ended up in refugee camps, not
to mention the thousands of homes, business and
churches destroyed. Oh, and no mosques were harmed,
go figure.
That still didn't get them the sharia law that they
wanted so Obama's little doll on a string, Hillary,
spent $50 million+ of our money in a campaign
in Kenya to help pass a referendum amending the
Kenyan constitution to set up sharia courts there.
No wonder you won't discuss it, you don't have a
leg to stand on.
You kidding? That was high-brow, high-class, and most importantly high-road. Gsvol simply doesn't throw around personal insults.
Hillary is really high brow, high class.
(Dinky Flunky takes the high road, at least he
claims to in the Jesus - Muhammed thread.)
If she should ever be elected president, do you think
her brother will be out of jail yet??
You know one would think that anyone in her position
would be able to find someone in America compenent
enough to translate one simple Russian word.
She constantly makes a fool of herself yet the liberal
media portrays her as the world's smartest woman.
America's two leading BSers!