not to step into an argument here, but the halliburton stuff is idiotic. that contract that they got for iraq is unprofitable. that's right they've been LOSING millions a year on it. just because the contract is for billions that doesn't mean it's been profitable. i'm sure they would never have taken it if they knew how bad the iraq situation was going do be.
they make money because the oil price is $90 and they are THE premier oil service company in the world. they actually spun off the division that does the iraq work. now let me ask you something if they were making billions on govt contracts as the democrats claim why would they spin off such a profitable part of their business? they are making billions DESPITE of iraq, not because of it.
and let's also not forget that there is MAYBE one other company in the world that could have taken that iraq contract and had the proper qualifications and that company is not an american one. so who exactly should have gotten the contract? they are BY FAR the best. someone not qualified? or a foreign company? the whole thing is idiotic.
<ok rant ends, continue with your argument. my apologies>