I forgot to answer that question.
They didn't bother to consult with me on that.
But I do have one of these;
Springfield Trapdoor, 45/70 Government,
accurate to a 1,000 yards.
(wow, was that first picture big or what?)
And a pre-civil war camel saddle manufactured by
Liberty Camel Saddle Company USA.
The one pictured above is similar but not
identical to mine, mine has straight posts
on top at each end, hand carved images of
camels, and leather seat pad.
Robyn Davidson has always been one of my heros.
Australia experimented with using camels but eventually
turned them all loose in the outback, I first read about
Robyn when she went and caught some of those feral
camels with the 'crossing Australia' adventure in mind.
She did most all of it on her own but had the help of an
aboriginal Pitjantjara, named Eddie, who guided her
across much of the worst desert and she said without
him and his knowledge of the desert and of the places
to find water, she may not have made it.
Here is a review of her 1996 book, 'Desert Places'.
(be sure not to overlook page 125.)
Here is one a review of one of her essays, published on my birthday two years ago,
No Fixed Address: Nomads and the Fate of the Planet.
You have to be careful around camels you know.