Of course, Democrats do not put it that way, because Democrats lie to conceal the truth of their unconstitutional, anti-American agenda. They make the stupidly wrong claim that voter ID laws will prevent blacks and other minorities from voting. That is not even a good, dumb argument! In the case of South Carolina and some other states, free state ID is offered to those who claim to not be able to afford to pay the small fee for it, a claim which, in itself, is quite silly. Nevertheless, if those same people also claim they have no way to travel to pick up their free ID, South Carolina has an 800 number they can call to get a free ride to get their free state-issued ID.
After South Carolina adopted their voter ID law, the despicable, racist Attorney General Eric Holder rushed to command the new law be blocked. Really, how dare he? Oh, but he does dare. This may be the most corrupt Justice Department in US history, not only for this injustice, but for numerous rotten actions in the past 3 years, like the wicked and deadly Fast and Furious scheme, the favorable treatment of black criminals as in the New Black Panthers voter intimidation case during the 08 election, the suing of states that want to protect their citizens from the illegal alien invasion, and the refusal to defend the federal Defense of Marriage Act.
The good news is that South Carolina is not going to stand down in the face of this leftist attack on election integrity. On Tuesday, three top officials in South Carolina announced that they will sue the Justice Department in Washington DC district court to challenge this absurd dictate. Legal precedent is on South Carolinas side. The Supreme Court has already ruled in favor of a voter ID law in Indiana, and the Justice Department in the last administration upheld Georgias voter ID law which is the same as South Carolinas.
The issue of voter ID laws drives the Left into spastic tantrums. The completely bogus claim that voter ID laws equal a return to Jim Crow is wailed from the rooftops. They have no legitimate argument against this common-sense protection of our elections, so they, as always, resort to the flimsiest of lies and false accusations to defend their indefensible position. The Left, as a chorus, takes up the worn-out chant of racist discrimination in the hopes of drowning out the voices of truth.
Dead voters remain on the voter rolls in every state. Purging of voter rolls of dead people and otherwise ineligible voters (as in those who have moved out of the district or state) is part of what needs to happen on a very regular basis to further prevent voter fraud. Of course, the Left fights any kind of effort to clean up the election process, and purging voter rolls is another thing the Left detests.
For that matter, those on the Left routinely claim that election fraud does not even occur, this despite the fact that it most certainly does.