Holder moves trials of 9-11 suspects to New York

Holder got smacked around yesterday by senators, then got smacked around again by the mother of a guy who died in United 93.
Did anyone see in the Tennessean this morning, where it was reported that the trial would cost AT LEAST 75 million dollars? And that was just for the security.

What exactly is the point then?

Holder aslo stated, that the U.S. could not, and would not fail, in convicting these terrorist.

Do you need to bring them to NY, and basically make them US citizens to do that?
Did anyone see in the Tennessean this morning, where it was reported that the trial would cost AT LEAST 75 million dollars? And that was just for the security.

What exactly is the point then?

Holder aslo stated, that the U.S. could not, and would not fail, in convicting these terrorist.

Do you need to bring them to NY, and basically make them US citizens to do that?

I did not see that, not surprising though.

Yes they have to bring them to NY so that the rest of the world will love us.
I'm seeing a growing chance that these guys walk.

Lot's of evidence will be insubmissable. There will be charges of prosecutorial misconduct while at Gitmo.

A legal team is going to New York to prevent the use of evidence provided by Germany in seeking a death penalty.

Berlin wants to ensure that promises made by the US are kept if the suspects are found guilty.

Germany, which does not have a death penalty, provided evidence for the trial on the condition that it could not be used to support a death sentence. Several members of the al Qaeda cell that planned and executed the attacks of September 11 were previously based in the northern German city of Hamburg.

I just don't see the upside of this move - the military tribunals are constitutional.

Six critical reasons to never try those who wage Jihad terror against America, or any other irregular enemy combatant, in any U.S. civilian criminal court:

1. It extends American juris prudence rights and procedure to enemy combatant irregulars who, according to the Geneva convention, don't deserve prisoner of war status and deserve, according to the same, to be executed after a military tribunal.

2. It offers a very real prospect because of venue, how testimony was obtained, miranda readings to someone who deserves none, etc., etc. that terrorists will get either reduced sentences or be aquitted.

3. As a result of giving testimony at trial to try and convict, the prosecution will reveal methodologies, intelligence, processes and procedures that are classified and will benefit our enemies.

4. It will provide a platform and stage for vile terrorists to spout their message that will be covered by the press and glorified by other terrorist organizations and enemies, thereby further emboldening them.

5. It will put the public at greater risk by providing, and almost inviting, terrorists to disrupt the trial with terror attacks aimed at sensationally killing more Americans and trying to free their compatriots.

6. It will, in addition to the dangers, the potential for denied justice, the damage to national security, and the emboldening of our enemies, establish a horrible precedent for the future that our enemies and radicals within our own country will take advantage of to our detriment.

These are not difficult prinicples or conclusions to determine or reason out. That our own President and his advisors and appointees are not doing so, but choosing instead to carry forward with such an insane plan, reveals much about them and their own political and ideological motivations, aspirations, and leanings.

In fact, the Attorney General of the United States does not have the authority to order the transfer of these prisoners from the Defense Department to US Civil authorities and Law Enforcement Agencies.

Only the President of the United States can make this order.

This is Barack Hussein Obama's decision!! ............

I wouldn't put it past Obama to eventually give a full pardon to such despicable vermin as Clinton/Holder did to other terrorists back about ten years ago.

When you get right down to it, they hold the same values despite what the fawning media leads one to believe.

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