Holy Trinity Discussion


Dobbs 4 Heisman

Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2015
Say what???

Cmon KD. You know. In the OT when Jesus told His disciples to commit genocide and murder all the Egyptians. Daniel and Saul of Tarsus went uncover with David to spy on Pharaoh and his best friend Nicodemus.

I thought you read the Bible daily??

Lol. Congrats. This is your single dumbest post ever. Hahaha.

What version of the Bible has Jesus ordering genocides in the Old Testament?

I can’t believe I had to actually type that question out on here?

I guess I have to explain Christian ideology to Christians. Well here you go.

So Christianity claims to be a monotheistic religion. That means yall worship only ONE God. However, that God comes in three different versions (the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit). This is an ideology called "the Trinity". Christians don't believe these are 3 different people but rather one individual manifesting himself in 3 different forms. That means Jesus is not only the Son but also the Father and the Holy Spirit. So when the Father (aka God) was ordering Moses to take his people out of Egypt that was actually Jesus ordering him. Since Jesus, the Father, and the Holy Spirit are the same person.

I know it's all very confusing but this is the justification Christians make to believe Jesus is God while also maintaining they are monotheists worshiping ONE God instead of three. Going by this logic then the inspiration behind the Old Testament was Jesus because Jesus is God aka the Father.

Get it now?
It's surprising that some of you all don't get what he's saying. And not surprising for others.

It's sad that a non-believer knows more about their beliefs than they do. But that's not surprising cause once you dig deep into most religions you realize how nonsensical they are. Religious people tend to be those that know the least about their religion.
I guess I have to explain Christian ideology to Christians. Well here you go.

So Christianity claims to be a monotheistic religion. That means yall worship only ONE God. However, that God comes in three different versions (the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit). This is an ideology called "the Trinity". Christians don't believe these are 3 different people but rather one individual manifesting himself in 3 different forms. That means Jesus is not only the Son but also the Father and the Holy Spirit. So when the Father (aka God) was ordering Moses to take his people out of Egypt that was actually Jesus ordering him. Since Jesus, the Father, and the Holy Spirit are the same person.

I know it's all very confusing but this is the justification Christians make to believe Jesus is God while also maintaining they are monotheists worshiping ONE God instead of three. Going by this logic then the inspiration behind the Old Testament was Jesus because Jesus is God aka the Father.

Get it now?
This is blatantly false. What you described is Modalism. Not Biblical Christianity.

Please stop embarrassing yourself.
It's sad that a non-believer knows more about their beliefs than they do. But that's not surprising cause once you dig deep into most religions you realize how nonsensical they are. Religious people tend to be those that know the least about their religion.
Interestingly, I have known some Tennessee fans who seem to know very little about their team, or its players. Once you dig into their knowledge and predictions, they, too, seem nonsensical. So, I suppose there are some secular parallels to your contention about the religious.

Edit: Dang, @VOLS INC., I was trying to be witty and clever and you brought the Modalism hammer to the discussion. Well done, sir, well done.
If you read the Quran you'll see several verses where God says he "spread the earth out like a carpet and set the mountains as fixtures holding it in place." This metaphor of a carpet being spread and being held in place by mountains was interpreted by many of the earliest Islamic scholars commentating on the Quran as an indication that the Earth was flat. In fact there are still Muslim scholars that argue the Earth is Flat because the Quran says so. They're a fringe but they do exist. And that's because it's the only rational way to read those verses.

This is why its wise not to take scientific instructions from a religious text.
This is blatantly false. What you described is Modalism. Not Biblical Christianity.

Please stop embarrassing yourself.
I always love it when borderline non-functional atheists try to revive centuries old heresies as "gotcha" moments.

Or is this guy the we wuz kangz Black Israelite goober? I can't keep my insane people straight.
This is blatantly false. What you described is Modalism. Not Biblical Christianity.

Please stop embarrassing yourself.

In Trinitarian doctrine, God exists as three persons but is one being, having a single divine nature.[109] The members of the Trinity are co-equal and co-eternal, one in essence, nature, power, action, and will. As stated in the Athanasian Creed, the Father is uncreated, the Son is uncreated, and the Holy Spirit is uncreated, and all three are eternal without beginning.[110] "The Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit" are not names for different parts of God, but one name for God[111] because three persons exist in God as one entity.[112] They cannot be separate from one another. Each person is understood as having the identical essence or nature, not merely similar natures.[113]

How can the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit exist AS ONE ENTITY co-equal in "action and will" but Jesus be absent when God was telling Moses what to do?

You either worship 1 God or 3 Gods. So which is it?

How can the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit exist AS ONE ENTITY co-equal in "action and will" but Jesus be absent when God was telling Moses what to do?

You either worship 1 God or 3 Gods. So which is it?
I never stated Jesus was absent. I stated that your description of the Trinity was blatantly false. It’s a heretical view called Modalism.

It’s pretty clear to the PF that you either came in here to troll, or you are incredibly uninformed on a variety of topics. You keep doing you though.
I always love it when borderline non-functional atheists try to revive centuries old heresies as "gotcha" moments.

Or is this guy the we wuz kangz Black Israelite goober? I can't keep my insane people straight.

Taking the Trinity to it's logical conclusions isn't a gotcha. And just because early Church leaders have tried to sweep those conclusions to the Trinity under the rug doesn't make those logical conclusions invalid.

If what I said is wrong then how can Jesus be God but not involved in the Old Testament? Either there's ONE God or there's THREE. You can't try to separate Jesus from all the horrible stuff in the Old Testament but then turn around and say there's only ONE God.
You can't argue the Trinity with someone that hasn't got actual interest and whose entire argument is a Wikipedia page.
One can't argue anything with anyone who is not willing to listen, and perhaps learn from the back-and-forth. It that event, no one is making an argument, both sides are simply disagreeing with each other.
I guess I have to explain Christian ideology to Christians. Well here you go.

So Christianity claims to be a monotheistic religion. That means yall worship only ONE God. However, that God comes in three different versions (the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit). This is an ideology called "the Trinity". Christians don't believe these are 3 different people but rather one individual manifesting himself in 3 different forms. That means Jesus is not only the Son but also the Father and the Holy Spirit. So when the Father (aka God) was ordering Moses to take his people out of Egypt that was actually Jesus ordering him. Since Jesus, the Father, and the Holy Spirit are the same person.

I know it's all very confusing but this is the justification Christians make to believe Jesus is God while also maintaining they are monotheists worshiping ONE God instead of three. Going by this logic then the inspiration behind the Old Testament was Jesus because Jesus is God aka the Father.

Get it now?
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I never stated Jesus was absent. I stated that your description of the Trinity was blatantly false. It’s a heretical view called Modalism.

It’s pretty clear to the PF that you either came in here to troll, or you are incredibly uninformed on a variety of topics. You keep doing you though.
Ask him about black chick's with blonde hair or mixed race couples. Fun times.
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I never stated Jesus was absent. I stated that your description of the Trinity was blatantly false. It’s a heretical view called Modalism.

I just read up on Modalism and don't see much of a difference between that and mainstream Trinity ideology. If Jesus wasn't absent then what are you objecting to? My point was that the laws of the Old Testament were from Jesus cause he and the Father are one.

Just because the whole Trinity theory is wacky doesn't mean my logical conclusions to said theory are wrong. If Jesus wasn't absent then the Old Testament is his doing and not somebody else.
I guess I have to explain Christian ideology to Christians. Well here you go.

So Christianity claims to be a monotheistic religion. That means yall worship only ONE God. However, that God comes in three different versions (the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit). This is an ideology called "the Trinity". Christians don't believe these are 3 different people but rather one individual manifesting himself in 3 different forms. That means Jesus is not only the Son but also the Father and the Holy Spirit. So when the Father (aka God) was ordering Moses to take his people out of Egypt that was actually Jesus ordering him. Since Jesus, the Father, and the Holy Spirit are the same person.

I know it's all very confusing but this is the justification Christians make to believe Jesus is God while also maintaining they are monotheists worshiping ONE God instead of three. Going by this logic then the inspiration behind the Old Testament was Jesus because Jesus is God aka the Father.

Get it now?
Then why not just say God of the Old Testament like every other red blooded human.

No need to be complicated. Do you take dumps standing up?
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How can the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit exist AS ONE ENTITY co-equal in "action and will" but Jesus be absent when God was telling Moses what to do?

You either worship 1 God or 3 Gods. So which is it?
What specific genocide did Jesus order in the Old Testament? I will hang up and listen…..
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Then why not just say God of the Old Testament like every other red blooded human.

No need to be complicated. Do you take dumps standing up?

Cause I didn't want to encourage the silly mental gymnastics Christians engage in to distance themselves from the horrific arts justified in the Old Testament. Christians like to play the game that God and Jesus are separate when it suits them. You can't believe Jesus is God then get offended when I say Jesus ordered genocides in the Old Testament.
What specific genocide did Jesus order in the Old Testament? I will hang up and listen…..

When the Israelites arrive in the Promised Land, they are commanded by God aka Jesus to destroy the Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites, Perizzites, Hivites, and Jebusites. The goal was to prevent the Israelites from being tempted to worship idols.

Numbers 33
God aka Jesus tells the Israelites to drive out the inhabitants of Canaan and destroy their high places, molten images, and figured stones. God aka Jesus warns that if the Israelites do not drive out the inhabitants, they will be harassed in the land.

Seven Nations
The Hebrew Bible refers to seven nations that lived in Canaan before the Israelites arrived. God aka Jesus instructed the Israelites to destroy these nations when they entered Canaan.

God aka Jesus ordered the Israelites to engage in a lot of ethnic cleansing. 7 nations being wiped out is crazy.
When the Israelites arrive in the Promised Land, they are commanded by God aka Jesus to destroy the Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites, Perizzites, Hivites, and Jebusites. The goal was to prevent the Israelites from being tempted to worship idols.

Numbers 33
God aka Jesus tells the Israelites to drive out the inhabitants of Canaan and destroy their high places, molten images, and figured stones. God aka Jesus warns that if the Israelites do not drive out the inhabitants, they will be harassed in the land.

Seven Nations
The Hebrew Bible refers to seven nations that lived in Canaan before the Israelites arrived. God aka Jesus instructed the Israelites to destroy these nations when they entered Canaan.

God aka Jesus ordered the Israelites to engage in a lot of ethnic cleansing. 7 nations being wiped out is crazy.
I don’t think Jesus was born yet. But I’m no timeline expert

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