Home crowd

The first thing about this post is that bringing up personal things about a player‘s family only hurts us as that gives the visitors impetus and drive to win. That is just plain bad tactics if you want your team to win.

Secondly, I have a bunch of 50, 60, and 70 something’s in my section and we get pretty rowdy. So, “older people acting like they’re at a movie” is a bad generalization about folks. Some, maybe. All, no. I’m grateful to see these fans who’ve come for decades despite health issues and the declines that age brings on. Much respect to these folks.

Everyone should be welcomed with open arms who make the effort to be there. Cheer on the Vols as best as you can. Cheer hard tonight, folks.
Everyone should be welcomed and again, I am a 52 yr old (soon 53) recently diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis.
My point is the atmosphere would be more electric if the students could sit closer to the action as the players feed off that energy. That is one reason I love college sports.
I know our crowd didn't give up 10 runs today, that's on our pitchers. But the home crowd was much like our team, not much fire in them. I've seen several other places with much more rowdy fans. The ones sitting on your tail needs to give your tickets to someone who will stand and yell.
Our pitching did not give up 10 earned runs either. Our D coast is a few runs.
Wooo…some misinformation flying around in this thread. 😂😂😂. I tried to follow the game thread here yesterday a little and it was totally embarrassing. I know it smarts to lose like we did yesterday but please don’t let it drive you to post really ignorant things. JMO
Well, maybe some of them are seeing the same thing I am. The Aces' have uncovered the thing that will beat us this weekend or at some point next week. (hated to say this) An average pitching staff. You say "but we've won 50+. However we are playing a team with as good a pitching staff as ours AND they have a hitting team as good or better than ours. (overall , not just HRs) Face it, we lack and ace on the mound. Another thing - - "thank God we are about through with the "COVID" era"!! Am glad to see these 6 year and more people still playing get out of the system and return to what use to be and still should be a 4 and on rare occasions a 5 year college career. (I know we've had our share) But man I'm tired of seeing guys that should be in the majors at some level or doing what ever they were forced to take as a "student" still around.
I would consider Causey our ace even though he does not start now.
I thought the atmosphere was better tonight. We need more seats desperately. The first base side of the stadium was electric. I don’t know why we don’t put up a few thousand bleachers in the outfield
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I agree, but just like in TBA, there's no contractual way to displace the bluehairs with the Rocky Top Rowdies. Basketball would be significantly more electric with young people courtside.
More disrespect to older fans. For too long we have disparaged our parents/grandparents with negative talk about their appearance. Ok some hair may be something other than natural color...so what? The depiction is a sad way to describe older folks who like the Vols too. Some are less vocal or demonstrative than some want them to be. No wonder our society is where it is when we show little or no respect for our elders. GBO!
More disrespect to older fans. For too long we have disparaged our parents/grandparents with negative talk about their appearance. Ok some hair may be something other than natural color...so what? The depiction is a sad way to describe older folks who like the Vols too. Some are less vocal or demonstrative than some want them to be. No wonder our society is where it is when we show little or no respect for our elders. GBO!
I am a older fan, but I give my all for the Vols. Some of the ones sitting are not that old.
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That little chubby dog was theirs?! I loved that thing. He was loving the field last night.
They have a little white fluffy one. I’ve seen it chilling in the carrier in a seat between his folks and saw them walking it in to the facility at the LSU series. Hell it may be CTV’s and they tend to it during game weekend’s.
One thing I did notice on saturday, at least around where I sit, was the seats that had been sold 95% of the year were occupied by the actual ticket holders. They seemed to have showed up for a coronation of sorts. By sunday, it was back to people who were definitely more in tune with baseball.

Also, unless I'm reading the charts wrong, while the students will be moving out to right they will have more seats out there.
They have a little white fluffy one. I’ve seen it chilling in the carrier in a seat between his folks and saw them walking it in to the facility at the LSU series. Hell it may be CTV’s and they tend to it during game weekend’s.

That sounds like it. Kinda white with curly hair. I mark out for every dog, so I was happy to see one.

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