Home Plate Collisions

That will never happen - the first time that a catcher tries to swipe tag and either misses or loses the ball, someone will blow a gasket and blocking the plate will be resumed. Sure, they can strongly encourage catchers not to block the plate without the ball, but collisions/blocking the plate are a part of the game; it'll never go away.

I think if baseball actually put a ban on blocking the plate, with or without the ball, it would stick. Injuries are the new pet peeve. People whined and moaned when Buster Posey got hurt even though it was mostly his own fault I think.

Personally, I say if the catcher wants to block the plate let him as long as MLB understands that baserunners will collide with him in an attempt to knock the ball out. I don't have a problem with it. Seems like it's the catcher's decision to me. He controls whether or not there's a home plate collision for the most part.
I think if baseball actually put a ban on blocking the plate, with or without the ball, it would stick. Injuries are the new pet peeve. People whined and moaned when Buster Posey got hurt even though it was mostly his own fault I think.

You are right - that one was all on Buster. :good!:

Personally, I say if the catcher wants to block the plate let him as long as MLB understands that baserunners will collide with him in an attempt to knock the ball out. I don't have a problem with it. Seems like it's the catcher's decision to me. He controls whether or not there's a home plate collision for the most part.

Though it seems many are speaking up in favor of banning it, it is a vocal minority. When it's all said and done, it will not be banned. If 'they' try to ban it, there will be major backlash and the rule will not be followed or likely even enforced.
I've played catcher for years in all different levels, and banning collisions is stupid because it can be easily prevented by using easy techniques to avoid getting run over.

For one, don't start to block the plate before the damn ball arrives. That's a sure way to get led up the line on a bad throw and get yourself killed. Second, if you have the ball in time, you don't even need to block the plate in a way to get run over. I was shown ways to block the plate with my knee down, which leads to a lot of those collisions we see, and ways to do what's basically a sweep tag on a runner if you want to pop up to throw after someone else.

Catchers know what they're getting into when they start playing. I've been in tons of collisions, some that went badly for me (broken nose) and others that went badly for the runner (sent two to the hospital in one season). It's part of the game.
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I've played catcher for years in all different levels, and banning collisions is stupid because it can be easily prevented by using easy techniques to avoid getting run over.

For one, don't start to block the plate before the damn ball arrives. That's a sure way to get led up the line on a bad throw and get yourself killed. Second, if you have the ball in time, you don't even need to block the plate in a way to get run over. I was shown ways to block the plate with my knee down, which leads to a lot of those collisions we see, and ways to do what's basically a sweep tag on a runner if you want to pop up to throw after someone else.

Catchers know what they're getting into when they start playing. I've been in tons of collisions, some that went badly for me (broken nose) and others that went badly for the runner (sent two to the hospital in one season). It's part of the game.

Good to see another catcher out there that agrees with me! :good!:
Don't see this taken outta the game. It's a tag play. What a possession arrow like in basketball

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