Homicide Rates

One important reason for having conversations like this is because if we do not, then it’ll be a question that only gets answered by bigots. If we censor open dialogue about difficult questions regarding race, people seeking those answers will only find them from racists.

It’s not different than censoring information about covid. When you refuse to have open conversations about the potential issues with vaccines, the people asking that questions will only receive answers from the fringe
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You mean incarceration aspect or all aspects?

The original Freakonomics book had a chapter about study(s) indicating that the legalization and increased accessibility of abortion in the 1970s led to significant declines in crime the next couple decades because of the decrease in unwanted births among demographics that were creating criminals (the poor, more or less).
The original Freakonomics book had a chapter about study(s) indicating that the legalization and increased accessibility of abortion in the 1970s led to significant declines in crime the next couple decades because of the decrease in unwanted births among demographics that were creating criminals (the poor, more or less).

What about the simple fact that abortions have been decreasing annually since Roe v Wade while crime has also been decreasing?

It seems to me his correlation has been broadly accepted as a causation due to politics than actual merit.
The glorification of gangster rap has played a large part. Once kids started seeing the videos on MTV in the 90’s, it really took off.
I’ve always been awed how so called “progressives” embrace rap music. It seems most of it is juvenile sexual lingo or outright violence. It seems to glorify all the wrong things and promote stupidity
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I’ve been curious about the disproportionate homicide rates for awhile and the causes. Currently black Americans represent approximately 13% of the population but over 50% of the homicides and commit homicide around 10x the rate of white Americans.

The obvious question is why? Some would argue poverty but I’ve never bought that. It went against my experiences growing up dirt poor in Appalachia and it doesn’t seem to fit the data.

I’ve seen other claims such as the war on drugs. Granted I oppose the war on drugs, but drug use, abuse, and trafficking rates seem to be fairly similar.

The only explanations I’ve seen with any data behind them that make sense are the single mother rate and the claim of under policing of black neighborhoods. Here’s also an interesting article I found on the topic.

It would be cool if we could have an actual data driven assessment of the problem (we can’t solve problems we can’t identify) without resorting to claims of genetics and/or racism.

Racial differences in homicide rates are poorly explained by economics

Obviously data is (are to be correct) racist. It's the only explanation.
This is interesting. Ice cream sales are correlated with sharks attacks too.

Explain to me how religion, in your opinion, how religion leads to crime?

Well, in the old days there was Catholicism and the Inquisition. Now, that was real organized crime when you think about it - and not the first or last time the devoutly religious dabbled in "cures" that most of us would classify as crime.
Well, in the old days there was Catholicism and the Inquisition. Now, that was real organized crime when you think about it - and not the first or last time the devoutly religious dabbled in "cures" that most of us would classify as crime.
I had several friends over the years that went to Catholic schools and had the crap beat out of them by Nuns. I'm sure that they would be classified as child abusers these days. Back then it was straighten your butt up and accepted as okay. Now days, you're going to jail.
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It was present, but then all of the sudden it went from an inner city issue to small Tennessee town issue. I watched it happen. The West Coast gangs used it as a marketing tool.

"Gangs" really seems to be the true operative word in all this, and they seem to be mostly black and hispanic. The question is where is law enforcement in eradicating gangs. Maybe gangs are too useful to dems? The FBI sure seemed to be all over gangs once upon a time - made it's bones there as the saying goes; guess it's easier hiding behind it's illegal to lie to the feds and coercion of normal (not protected) people now. If gangs are essentially a law of their own in competition with elected authority, wouldn't that be insurrection?
One important reason for having conversations like this is because if we do not, then it’ll be a question that only gets answered by bigots. If we censor open dialogue about difficult questions regarding race, people seeking those answers will only find them from racists.

It’s not different than censoring information about covid. When you refuse to have open conversations about the potential issues with vaccines, the people asking that questions will only receive answers from the fringe

It was always amazing when Eric Holder said,

" [race] is an issue we have never been at ease with and, given our nation's history, this is in some ways understandable. . . . If we are to make progress in this area, we must feel comfortable enough with one another and tolerant enough of each other to have frank conversations about the racial matters that continue to divide us."

A duplicitous message when considering you can't hold that frank discussion without being called a racist, and that his boss was a community organizer who drove race as the great divider to prove any community he was "uplifting" was held down by whitey.
I’ve been curious about the disproportionate homicide rates for awhile and the causes. Currently black Americans represent approximately 13% of the population but over 50% of the homicides and commit homicide around 10x the rate of white Americans.

The obvious question is why? Some would argue poverty but I’ve never bought that. It went against my experiences growing up dirt poor in Appalachia and it doesn’t seem to fit the data.

I’ve seen other claims such as the war on drugs. Granted I oppose the war on drugs, but drug use, abuse, and trafficking rates seem to be fairly similar.

The only explanations I’ve seen with any data behind them that make sense are the single mother rate and the claim of under policing of black neighborhoods. Here’s also an interesting article I found on the topic.

It would be cool if we could have an actual data driven assessment of the problem (we can’t solve problems we can’t identify) without resorting to claims of genetics and/or racism.

Racial differences in homicide rates are poorly explained by economics

Regardless of the cause, we’re going to continue to throw millions and trillions to our special needs citizens and get the same results that we have for the last 60+ years.

Exhibit A: Biden Admin To Fund Crack Pipe Distribution To Advance 'Racial Equity' - Washington Free Beacon

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