Hooker/Stroud/Levis/Young - Who will be the best pro?



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Sep 18, 2022
Essentially every site and pundit seems to have these four as the top QB’s to be taken in the 2023 Draft, with Jefferson from Arky and Jaren Hall from BYU getting some love as well.

Love the arm on Stroud. Not sold on Young in the league because of size. Hooker seems to play perfect football at times. And Levis is entirely inconsistent, albeit playing behind a bad O line.

There’s no obvious pick to me. Hooker and Stroud play in offenses at this level that leave so many questions for scouts. The conscientious from the Kiper, McShay types seem to be that Levis is the guy because of the scheme he plays in, size, arm, toughness and constant comparisons to Josh Allen. He could seriously be the #1 pick when it is all said and done, which will make no sense to many of us.

There’s plenty of football left to be played this season. But for my money, I’d never bet against Hooker considering his history, maturity, the clutch gene, and his intestinal fortitude. Not to mention the fact that he is just simply a winner. I am certainly no GM, owner, or scout, but if I’m drafting a QB, he is my guy.

Despite how we feel about it, Levis is the correct answer. He's got all the tools that scouts look for and the size. If Levis played in a better system, or his OL wasn't garbage, he could put up monster numbers. Listen to the way the analysts talk about him, even the way Peyton talks about him.
Despite how we feel about it, Levis is the correct answer. He's got all the tools that scouts look for and the size. If Levis played in a better system, or his OL wasn't garbage, he could put up monster numbers. Listen to the way the analysts talk about him, even the way Peyton talks about him.
Levis has all the physical tools and a head full of crap. He lets his emotions dictate his play, and on more than one occasion has let them get the better of him on National tv. He’s also proven to be interception prone at the worst times. These are not the qualities of a franchise QB.

He has Ryan Leaf 2.0 written all over him. His draft stock slides precipitously by the end of their stretch run.
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I can't speak to the others, but Hooker will do very well in the pros. He reminds me a lot of Randall Cunningham.
Great deep ball
Ability to go through progressions well
Makes proper decisions based on what D shows pre-snap
Can use legs when play breaks down or in QB run designed plays
Both very smart guys

It might be more advantageous for him to go later in the draft and end up with a better organization.
Levis will be a very good pro QB, I very much do believe. However, despite not being an expert by any stretch of the imagination, I see Hooker, if drafted by the right team, as being a phenomenon. A hybrid if you will. A P.Manning (FB smarts/decision making), T Brady (Accuracy), A Rodgers (Arm strength), and D. McNabb (Running when necessary).
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I can't speak to the others, but Hooker will do very well in the pros. He reminds me a lot of Randall Cunningham.
Great Deep ball
Ability to go through progressions well
Makes proper decisions based on what D shows pre-snap
Can use legs when play breaks down or in QB run designed plays
Both very smart guys
Agreed…he has a lot of qualities the league will want. His only knock is his label as a “system” QB. Mahomes says an air raid QB can work in the NFL though.
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Hooker has size, a big arm--and he's extremely accurate. He's got beautiful touch on his throws. A CF analyst was on Cowherd yesterday and they were both raving about him--not that they're NFL scouts. But he can make all the throws--and he's mobile. Even that last throw he made in the bama game to get us into FG position was big-time: he double-clutched waiting that last moment for the receiver to make his break, then managed to get the throw over an onrushing lineman and to the perfect spot for the catch. I haven't seen much of him extending plays to avoid pressure in the way that Young can do--and did for much of the game against us--probably because he hasn't really had to. I'll be very surprised if he's not a first-round pick.

Young is very good but smallish; he extends plays, makes good decisions under duress, and is accurate. How strong is his arm? I've not seen him that much, and he certainly doesn't have an arm like Hooker's. Does he throw long much?

I haven't seen the other two. Will be interested to see Levis in their game against us. I hope we put him on the ground several times and make his day/night miserable. Hope to see Stroud vs. Hooker in the national title game!
Draft wise if I were an NFL GM: Young ,Stroud, Hooker, would be my top 3. Levis will be a bust. I've seen alot of mocks this week. Only seen Hooker as a 1st rounder in 1 of them. Also have seen Tanner Mckee as a first rounder in a few which I dont get. Hooker SHOULD be the 3rd QB taken and maybe if a team falls in love with his personality the 2nd taken over Young (Stroud as 1). But NFL gm's love potential so it could go alot of different ways. 2 things that will hurt Hooker are his age and Huepel's system. That's not fair, Hooker is playing lights outs but scouts will question if the Hendon Hooker they are drafting is the Hooker from Virginia Tech or the Hooker from Tennessee. I think he is a completely different player but they will still have doubts because of Huepel's QB friendly system.
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It all depends on what team they end up. If it's a crappy team looking for a savior, most on that list will be screwed.
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Why would you draft any OSU QB as your first pick? Tell me the last time that's worked out. I say BY will have the best career. Screw size in this day and age. The NFL is not what it was 10 years ago.
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At best, Levis is Steve Young. At worst, he's Ryan Leaf. I can't imagine the pro coaches and scouts aren't considering both sides of his coin.

So he's not the wunderkind of this draft.

I think probably Byron Young.

Here's the thing about Hendon. He isn't going to be heralded at the NFL level. He's never going to be the trendy dude, or the flashy dude. He is quietly going to have an incredible career, A Ken Anderson kind of career.

Ken who? Exactly.

Anderson quietly earned MVP honors during his career, and just as quietly took his team to the Super Bowl one year. He quietly set records, like the 70.6% season completion percentage record that stood almost 30 years until Drew Brees finally broke it in 2009.

Most folks here probably don't even remember what team he played for, he stayed that low profile.

I'm not saying Hendon is like Ken Anderson as a quarterback. They have very different styles. But I'm saying he will--like Ken Anderson--be a quiet professional, and much better than folks who focus on flash and glitter will notice.

He's just that kind of unassuming team player, seems to me.

So yeah, he won't go first in the draft. He might not even go first round. But he will be quietly remarkable, wherever he goes.
Levis has all the physical tools and a head full of crap. He lets his emotions dictate his play, and on more than one occasion has let them get the better of him on National tv. He’s also proven to be interception prone at the worst times. These are not the qualities of a franchise QB.

He has Ryan Leaf 2.0 written all over him. His draft stock slides precipitously by the end of their stretch run.

Ryan Leaf is exactly who comes to mind when I think of Levis.
Not being a smart aleck... but I don't care. The only one I will remotely care about is Hooker but that's as a person... not an NFL entertainer.

The NFL lost me a long time ago with one of their strikes. This latest "woke" crap just affirms that I have no interest in supporting them in any way. Hate it because I love football. But they made it political and anti-religious, not me.
I love HH, he's a great college FB and person, but honestly, I think if you remove the bias, the answer likely will be the following (and I think people in NFL circles would also agree due to their projected draft order):

1. Young
2. Levis
3. Stroud
4. Hooker

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