How is it going?



Resident Dawg Genius
Oct 4, 2004
Been a while Volnation.
How is everything going with the new coach and what are your feelings for this season? Can't wait for football to kick off again.
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Oh one more thing you need to know. He's no longer referred to as Butch, Coach Jones, CBJ... He's known as the "Butcher". You need to know that as well.
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Fade route is that you?

That would be fade's evil twin ..

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Looks like he has done a great job recruiting and getting new talent in the door. How are current players buying in to his system and is there anyone that you guys think may breakout this year?
Been a while Volnation.
How is everything going with the new coach and what are your feelings for this season? Can't wait for football to kick off again.

General feeling right now is that Butch is doing an awesome job off the field. With recruiting and getting people pumped up about the team. Still waiting to see how things go on the field. I think the product on the field will be better coached than in previous years. I think a lot of fans aren't expecting anything more than a bowl game and the team to fight for four quarters. I know I am excited about this year and excited to see what kind of product CBJ puts on the field.
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General feeling right now is that Butch is doing an awesome job off the field. With recruiting and getting people pumped up about the team. Still waiting to see how things go on the field. I think the product on the field will be better coached than in previous years. I think a lot of fans aren't expecting anything more than a bowl game and the team to fight for four quarters. I know I am excited about this year and excited to see what kind of product CBJ puts on the field.

Great news. The real question is will Butch be wearing orange pants :)
Looks like he has done a great job recruiting and getting new talent in the door. How are current players buying in to his system and is there anyone that you guys think may breakout this year?

Hey Fade -

From all accounts the team is 100% on board, those that aren't haven't been with the team all spring.

I look for our defense as a whole to breakout - mainly B Randolph and B Moore. I think this staff will utilize the talent we have a bit better and get more upfront pressure - taking some heat off the DB's.

On offense - who knows. Croom at WR or any of the RB's could have stellar year behind that Oline.

how the Dawgs looking?
Been a while Volnation.
How is everything going with the new coach and what are your feelings for this season? Can't wait for football to kick off again.

CBJ seems to have hit the ground running,he has been doing a good job of recruiting and has done a excellent job of mending public relations for the fan base

most are looking for a 6 to 8 wins this season,I'm being on the safe side and going with 6 wins,CBJ has brought a lot of excitement to the program and I'm like you,I can't wait for some SEC football

Go Vols
Looks like he has done a great job recruiting and getting new talent in the door. How are current players buying in to his system and is there anyone that you guys think may breakout this year?

Bricks are flying up so quick and high you will be able to see them from outer space before long.

Corey this name in your memory bank.
Just changing from the 3/4 to the 4/3 defense by its self will be a great help. Probably cost us two games last year. Everything else will be a bonus.
Looks like he has done a great job recruiting and getting new talent in the door. How are current players buying in to his system and is there anyone that you guys think may breakout this year?

Offense is moving to a very fast paced uptempo offense. Think Oregon/Texas A&M. The staff is working overtime trying to get our team in top physical condition so they can play at that speed and wear down opponents.

We have a big question at QB, neither Worley or Peterman took control in the spring so they will compete in August with two highly touted Freshman Dobbs and Ferguson. That will be a storyline all season I think.

Oline will be great and RB's solid. WR's need a lot of work, but I think the talent is there, but will be some growing pains at that position.

A lot have already commented on the D and how the 4-3 will really help this D. We have a stud MLB in AJ Johnson and a waiting to break out DT in Dan McCullers.

Our corner position is very thin and is by far the scariest position in terms of getting an injury on the roster.

We need to continue to search for a great pass rusher, Corey Vereen, Latroy Lewis, Jac Smith, Curt Maggit could all try and fill that role. Will any do it successfully and be able to help our DB's out?

With our schedule just surviving September and heading into the UGA game 3-2 will be a good start. Then the really important games begin with UGA, USC, @Missou, Auburn and Vandy coming up as the make or break games of the season.

I will be in Knox on Oct 5th hope to see you there!
Go Vols!
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We have a big question at QB, neither Worley or Peterman took control in the spring so they will compete in August with two highly touted Freshman Dobbs and Ferguson. That will be a storyline all season I think.

How much of the QB issues do you attribute to the WR's inexperience and injuries during spring?

In the few snaps of live action Worley has never lit it up. I guess at this point how do you evaluate these guys?
Hey Fade -

From all accounts the team is 100% on board, those that aren't haven't been with the team all spring.

I look for our defense as a whole to breakout - mainly B Randolph and B Moore. I think this staff will utilize the talent we have a bit better and get more upfront pressure - taking some heat off the DB's.

On offense - who knows. Croom at WR or any of the RB's could have stellar year behind that Oline.

how the Dawgs looking?

Great to hear. It will be good to see UT back in their rightful place in the SEC. Any word on the QBs?

The Dawgs are looking good (if we could get our players to stop smoking weed :banghead2:)but I hate going into the season with high expectations. We return most of the offense but I believe it will be difficult for Gurly/Marshall to replicate the year they had last year Teams will be keying on them from opening kickoff and we will have to rely on Murray to make some good decisions and complete some passes to open up the running running game. The problem is we only have one returning starter at receiver (Micheal Bennett) and he is returning from an ACL injury.

Our major questions will be on defense where we will be replacing 9 starters. We have the talent but the SEC is not the place to have an inexperienced defense. Look for freshman Trey Matthews. He has ALL SEC potential at safety and could make an immediate impact.
How much of the QB issues do you attribute to the WR's inexperience and injuries during spring?

In the few snaps of live action Worley has never lit it up. I guess at this point how do you evaluate these guys?

I am not going to write anyone off at this point. I think Worley is a smart QB and has good leadership qualities. He hasn't ever been in a game under good circumstances and if he can play smart and run this offense I think he could be the answer this year. He isn't going to wow anyone with his arm strength and the play calling would have to be different but I think he can get the job done if he can just play smart and be a game manager.

I think Peterman has a lot more potential than Worley, but not sure if he is there yet mentally. I really like his athleticism and I think if you saw him behind the first team Oline (with Tiny) and the red jersey off he could do some damage. I think he is being hurt though right now by just basic understanding and not making mistakes. I think he could make a big jump this summer though and make a push for the first start.

I think Dobbs and Ferguson both have the talent to play this year IF the other two can't get it figured out. I don't think Dobbs or Ferguson are going to be ready to just straight up beat out the other two guys unless they just can't cut it.

Dobbs probably has the best chance since he seems to be a cerebral player and would probably have a better chance picking up the offense quickly, but I don't see it if either of the other two are even just playing pretty good.

I think for the good of our season you hope that Worley or Peterman get to the level where they can carry the reigns. Neither has to be Tyler Bray or Peyton Manning, we just need them to not be Crompton circa 2008.
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